Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Brooke tried to ask to go out on walks. But they wouldn't let her out, not just yet. She had read most of the books Spencer had given her, and Simon tried to keep her entertained. But there was only so much they could talk about.

"Andrew, Why am I here?" She asked as he sat at the table, reading a newspaper and eating a sandwich.

"Not this again." He sighed. "Look, whatever reason it is. It's not because of you. It's because of your parents and new guardian. That's all I can say."

She sat at the table and watched him. He was telling the truth, just not the whole truth.

"So when can I go back?"

"Whenever we sort out what needs to be done. Can I eat now?"

"I wanna go back though."

"Look, quit whining. Spencer has been in contact with Phillips a couple of times now. That's all I know."

"Urg, fine." She said, acting like she was annoyed. But she got what she needed. Phillips knew she was missing and chances were he knew who had taken her. All she had to do now was wait.


"Dead. Dead. Dead. In jail. Dead. OOO I'll give you three guesses what the next one is."

"Are they dead?"

"You win! Here's a cookie."

Jak passed Phillips a cookie from the pack on her desk. He smiled. "Vincent Reid told Brooke that there wasn't a problem that couldn't be solved with one of these cookies."

"Well, let's hope he is right." She took a rainbow cookie and bit into it. "Looks like most of the people that Spencer worked with are either dead or in prison. Which I guess narrows it down a bit."

"So we can assume that either he found someone that used to work for him that is free and we haven't arrested yet"

"Or he has new people."

"Which makes it harder for us."

"Yep. Better wish on that cookie. Hang on, got one."

Phillips leaned forward and looked at the screen. "Works not too far from here. I'll send Pierce to go pick them up."

He gave Pierce the message and they continued to scroll down the list.

"We should go see this musical."


"This one. It's meant to be good. You'll like it. It's new to the West End. It's about anxiety and not being alone."

"I'm not alone."

"Not anymore you're not. You have us and Brooke. But I remember you telling me about your anxiety before, you know, after everything. If you want to talk, I'm here."

"Is this a musical I'd like, or one you want to see?"

"A bit of both." She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "I bet you'd cry."

"I know you'd cry." He laughed.

Phillip's phone vibrated in his pocket, he checked the message. "I've been summoned."

"Good luck." Jak said as she leaned back in her chair and took another cookie.

The walk to the interview room was long, but Phillips made it longer by going up the stairs instead of the lift. He couldn't listen to that tune anymore today.

"Got her?"

"She's in there. Here's her folder."

Pierce handed over a paper folder with some details inside.

"Well, let's go in."

Phillips opened the door and walked into the room. There was a large two way mirror on the wall. The desk was positioned so you could see both the agent's and the other person's face.

The guys sat down and faced the person sitting opposite them.

She wore a yellow apron with a black shirt underneath. Her long sleeves were rolled up to her elbows, revealing colourful snake tattoos. Her hair was long and wavy. She had a thin nose ring and a scar below her lip that suggested she once had a piercing there too. Phillips looked at her hands. Her nails were neat and unpainted. She had a watch on her right hand that she was fiddling with.

"Amy Yates, I hear you changed your name."

"It's Mary Todd now."

"Any reason?" Pierce asked calmly.

"I'm allowed to, it's all legal. Is that what this is about?" She asked.

"Well Mary, as Amy Yates you worked for a guy named Spencer Perry. Have you heard from him since?"

"No. I did my time, I came out of there and I wanted a fresh start. I changed my name, changed house, bank, you name it, it's been changed. I work in a coffee shop, earning an honest wage. Yeah it sucks, and the people are either great or shitty, but I'm not going back to my old life. I was young and desperate. That man used me."

"Has he contacted you since your release?" Phillips watched her body language.

"No. He has no idea where I am and I'd like to keep it that way. Am I in trouble? Does my work know what's happening because I can't afford to lose this job."

"We told them that you were a witness to an event. You're not in trouble, we're just trying to understand where Spencer might be. Do you have any ideas?" Pierce kept his voice level. He needed to gain her trust. There was no need for good cop bad cop in this situation. They were both good cops, trying to help someone.

"No, sorry. He moved around a lot. A new job, a new base. He never works alone though, he doesn't like to get his hands dirty unless someone else has tested the water first."

Pierce slid a card across the table. "If you think of anything, literally anything, no matter how small. Text or call me. It's really important that we find him."

"What has he done now?"

"Kidnapped a child."

Mary's face was full of shock. She had no idea, no one could pull off that expression otherwise. "Kidnap? That's not his style, he doesn't hold people. He always said hostages were too much trouble, too unpredictable."

"Seems like he has upped his game."

"No, you don't understand." Phillips could hear the panic in her voice. "Spencer Perry is one sick man. If he has kidnapped someone, he could decide to kill them at any point. The man values no life. Even if things are easier with hostage, if he grows bored or impatient, or he just feels like it, he will kill them without a second thought. You need to find him."

Pierce and Phillips looked at one another and walked out of the room.

"What do you think?" Pierce asked Phillips, trying to read his expression.

"She isn't lying. We need to move."

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