Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"I'll pick you up, or I'll send one of the team to, at half past three."

Brooke sat in the car, watching as students filed into the gates of the school. They were laughing with friends and moving with purpose. They knew the school well. She looked up at all the other floors wondering how many classrooms there were inside.

She grabbed her bag and opened the car door, but she hesitated before stepping out.

"You'll be okay." Phillips said. "Just make sure you behave. Remember, to go see the headmaster first."

She stepped out of the car and closed the door. Phillips drove off, leaving her standing in the street staring at the building.

She brushed off her skirt and walked through the gate. She was shoved to the side as a large group walked past her. She stepped back onto the path and walked up to the set of side doors, leading into the main building.

The halls were filled with people arriving for the day. They moved in all directions. There were large signs on the walls with arrows pointing to certain subjects. She spotted the sign pointing towards the main office and started to head that way.

She turned to the sound of laughter as a group of girls left the toilets and headed up the stairs. She continued forward and nearly fell down three steps. The office was ahead, she stood by the window and waited until a receptionist smiled at her.

"Hello dear. What can I help you with?" The lady was elderly and her voice was full of kindness.

"Hello. I'm new here, I was told to come to the headmaster's office. But I'm not sure where that is."

"Oh you must be Brooke." She smiled. "Welcome. If you just go through them doors and down the corridor on your right, you'll find a row of chairs. Just take a seat and the headmaster will be with you shortly."

She said her thanks and walked through the glass double doors. The floor was polished and the walls were painted a dark red. She spotted the corridor. It was well hidden. Her shoes squeaked slightly on the floor and she worried about marking it, but she looked back and was relieved to notice that she hadn't made any.

The corridor was lit by large overhead lights that were a little too strong. It wasn't helped by the fact the corridor was small so the light reflected off every surface. Photo frames lined the wall. Photos of smiling students and staff, even from clubs, or awards. Photos of the whole school every few years, and newspaper articles from when the school had been reported on. All positive, painting the school in a bright light.

She came to the row of chairs, took off her bag and placed it under the chair before taking a seat. She looked up and down the corridor, wondering where each room lead to.

"Miss Reid." She turned to face the voice. The headmaster smiled at her. "Shall we go into my office."

She pulled her bag out from under the chair and stood up. She walked past the head into his office.

"Take a seat."

She sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk, and he sat in his seat behind the desk.

"Welcome to West Bridge School, my name is Mr Jenkins." He took out a file. "We don't normally accept year eleven students but we are not far into the year and your test marks are extraordinary. I know this is your first time at a public school, but I hope you'll settle in. In a moment I'll take you to meet the deputy head and your head of house, but first, do you have any questions for me?"


"Okay, well if you'd like to follow me."

He stood up and held the door open for Brooke.

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