Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Words started to filter through her ear and into her brain. She could understand what they meant and she could understand voices. But she couldn't move.

She understood what was happening, she was alive, but her body wasn't yet responsive, it felt disconnected from her. It was still healing. She could hear beeping and noises. She had no idea where she was, how long she had been like this or how long she was going to stay like this.

She heard shouting and footsteps. She could hear someone speaking, but they were too far away. She understood distances, what was close and what was far. But she didn't feel like she was in one permanent place.

She could hear her name being said over and over calmly. Brooke. She was called Brooke Reid. She was Brooke Reid who had been kidnapped. She had tried to escape and now she was...

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