Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

She was awake. But barely. She could hear movement around her, she could smell the stench of their sweat. But she couldn't command her eyes to open.

"I told you we should have let her go. She wouldn't have survived long out here alone."

"Shut up! I'm trying to think." She reconised Spencer's voice as he snapped at his partner.

"This is more trouble than it's worth. We can't back out now. We are going to prison and we're not gonna see the light of day again."

"Shut it! How was I going to know that Simon was going to act out? We didn't know he was going to help her. We thought he was too much of a wimp to do anything. Didn't we Simon?"

Brooke heard a whimper that she assumed was Simon. They must have him tied up somewhere here.

"Hostages do that. You didn't think about this and now we are stuck in this and there is no clean way out of this for us."

"I get it okay! Look, just make sure them camera work."

Brooke wanted to move, but her body felt heavy and foreign. She needed to see where she was, to work out what was happening.

"Everything is set."

"Okay. Start it up."

Brooke managed to open her eyes. She wanted to rub them but her arms wouldn't move. She looked around and saw her arms suspended in midair by ropes. She looked down at her feet and saw the thick rope around them too. She was tied up, stuck, held up only by the rope they had connected to something on the wall. She panicked, trying to pull on the rope but she still wasn't fully conscious.

"Sleeping Beauty is awake." She heard the spite in Spencer's voice. Then she heard a sound that both comforted her and scared her. Phillips.

"Let her go Spencer. You have no use for her. We have officers looking for you all, it's only time before we find you and when we do, you're going straight to jail."

She turned her head and saw the screen that Spencer was talking to. It was Phillips' face, and behind him were Howell and Knox. The picture was jumpy and unsteady. They were in transit. They were on the way to rescue her.

"Oh I'm counting on it. I'm hoping on it. But can you trace this and get to me quicker than I can beat the life out of her. This is personal now, and I want you to watch every second. If you end this call three times, I will shoot her. I'm allowing for dodgy connection on either end, I'm feeling nice."

"You're a monster. She's a child."

"She's not a child, not with what she did. She's trained. I know what I saw." Mark shouted out.

Brooke's heart dropped. She tried to pull at the rope again, tried to rub it against anything to fray it. She needed to get loose.

Mark came over and showed her something.

"It's not as good as the one you threw away. It's my spare you see. Still sharp though."

He ran the blade across her hand. She screamed.

"Mark, not yet! Step back."

He stepped away and smiled as he held the blade in his bandaged hand. Spencer nodded to Andrew, who walked towards her slowly.

"No please, you don't have to do this." She cried, she begged.

"I'm sorry." He whispered quietly, and she believed that he truly was.

His fist hit her chest and she swung on the rope. It cut into her wrist with every movement. Andrew looked at Spencer who nodded again. He swung at her once more.

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