Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 

Normally Brooke didn't mind black. But there was something about being forced to wear something that she had no choice over, that made her dislike everything, including the colour.

Everything was brand new. Considering Brooke never had a uniform before, everything was bought by Phillips just for her. They had ventured out on school uniform shopping. An experience that neither of them had experienced before. It took both of them a while to realise that you couldn't get the school's logo on items in normal shops and either the school patch had to be ordered somewhere else and then sewn on to a normal shop bought blazer, or you had to go to a specialist uniform shop in your local area. There the uniform was expensive. But Phillips wanted to make sure Brooke had the exact uniform needed to attend the school to start with.

The blazer was black with shoulder pads that made her shoulders feel weird and slightly too warm. The inside pocket didn't have a zip, but instead a singular button that you could choose to close the pocket up with or just leave it open. She stuck her hand it in, it was long enough to fit a pens in, or her phone. The school crest sat proudly on her breast pocket. It was a crest that defined the school, a dragon standing next to a pile of books. She wished she was a dragon sitting comfortably in her den, surrounded by her hoard of books, stacked high around her. But instead she was in a shop with Phillips telling her to try on a different size blazer.

They left the shop with a new school blazer and full P.E kit with the logo already sewn on. Her new school tie was tucked neatly inside one of the blazer's many pockets. They made their way back to the normal clothing shops to pick up a few new white shirts and the last bits of the uniform.

"Skirts or trousers? If you get skirts you'll need black tights also. Or do you want both?"

"Both are good." She replied, not really interested. She didn't really know the difference. It was just uniform. As long as it fits her.

Phillips started to look through the skirts in her size, muttering to himself about the specific requirements that the skirt had to meet. Brooke stood to the side, looking around the shop. Who knew uniform came in so many colours?

"What colour is my school uniform going to be?"


"No I mean, it seems schools can either be green, red, blue." She looked around her "Or Yellow."

"Oh they are normally primary schools and you there are more colours than that, but these are just the local schools colour. But your school tie has a red stripe on it and your P.E socks and top are red."

She looked at all of the smaller uniforms and wondered what her life would have been if she had gone to a public school from a young age.

Phillips placed some skirts and trousers into the basket and asked Brooke to find some tights. She grabbed a couple of packs of black opaque tights and chucked them into the shopping basket.

"I know that wasn't very interesting, but we only have shoes left for your uniform." He looked at the list in his hand and checked the requirements. "They need to be completely black and not trainers." He read out loud to Brooke.

She nodded to him and turned to her phone as they walked to the next stop. The signal wasn't the best here, but she could still play her game. There were a lot of gyms around her for Pokemon go.

Picking shoes didn't take long. She knew what she liked and there weren't that many to pick from. With a pair of school shoes they walked out of the shop, Phillips turned to Brooke and smiled.

"Now the exciting part. I need you to pick a school bag and maybe a lunch box. The bag needs to be able to hold all of your books."

"Any requirements it needs to meet?" She asked curiously.

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