Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


The team stood up from their desks, grabbed what they needed and walked over to the board on the wall by Phillip's desk.


"I have phone records here." She placed the page on Phillips' desk but also pressed a button on her remote to bring her screen up on the projector on the board, so he could look at either and also the rest of the team could see. "I've highlighted to calls to and from the rest of the group on the day of the murder."

"Pierce." Phillips sounded like he was calling a register rather than hearing evidence from a crime.

"I have bank statements as well CCTV which places our suspect in the coffee shop not far from the scene, roughly a quarter of an hour before the estimated time of death." He took the remote and pushed the button, showing his computer screen and the evidence. He waited until Phillips nodded once to acknowledge that he had taken it into account, before passing the remote over.


"I have the fingerprints and DNA test back from forensics and we have a match to the suspect."

"They are the final pieces we needed to charge the suspect. Howell, why don't you take this one? Pierce go with them and back them up. Come straight back here once you're finished."

The pair nodded and walked off, leaving Know standing in front of Phillips. He looked at her and saw small yellow polka dots on her collar. Her bright yellow woolly jumper had white polka dots all over it. At least she was colour-coded she thought to himself.

"Why don't you get a head start on writing up your report. Beat the others to getting it in."

"I always beat them anyways. Pierce always leaves it until the last minute and Howell always gets confused and ends up asking me for help." She replied as she held the files close to her chest.

"Then maybe you can beat your own record for quickest report in." He smiled kindly.

Knox nodded and walked over to her desk and soon started typing like a woman on a mission. The tapping of the keyboard was easily heard over the chattering of the other officers in the room. There were around five other teams stationed here and even though they were constantly in and out, the noise level seemed to stay constant.

He looked at his watch. Brooke was well over two hours late. She was probably sulking in her room. But on second thought, that didn't seem like something she would do. She would probably turn up just to sulk where he could see her. Either way, the internet was going off for a week. He didn't need it anyways, he had only had it installed for her.

He took out his phone and dialed her number, it went straight to voicemail. He left her a text asking where she was. Hoping she would get it when she turned her phone back on. He placed his phone back in his pocket and stared at his screen.

Something was wrong. He felt it in his gut. He took out his phone and dialled again. Nothing. She was always on her phone. Either on that bird social media or playing that game where she had to catch them weird animals in balls. She didn't even let her phone die. She'd rushed to charge it when it was on twenty-five percent.


"Yes, sir?"

"No need to call me sir. Can you trace this number for me please?" He stood up and walked over to Knox's immaculate desk and handed over his phone. "Do it straight away please, and tell me when it's done."

Knox nodded and started to search for the phone. It started in a wide area and slowly zoomed in as it pinpointed its last location. As it got closer, Phillips' gut dropped. It stopped zooming and the last known location was pinpointed by a big red marker.

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