Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Brooke walked around the cabin. There wasn't a lot to do. Simon was out with Andrew on a walk to do some sketches. Brooke wasn't trusted outside yet. She apparently had to earn that trust from the same people who kidnapped her. She found that ironic.

She had searched every room. Even the bedroom that Mark spent a lot of time in. Apparently he was trying to sleep, he told her that he was lacking sleep away from his own bed. But he had allowed her in the room to search it. He thought it was best to get it over and done with so she would leave him alone. She concluded there was nothing interesting at all in the bedroom. It was simply a room with a bed and a chest of drawers in.

She checked under to sofa, she checked the bathroom and the toilet room, which was separate. The house had the bare necessities in it. She was pretty sure someone would be so bored and decide to kill someone. She had seen enough horror movies to know how this went. Her bet was on Mark to get the murderous streak first.

The door opened and Spencer walked in. He locked the door behind him and looked at Brooke.

"Where's Andrew?"

"He's taken Simon out on a walk."

Spencer grunted and walked into the kitchen. He started going through the cupboards and pulled out a box of cereal bars. He took two and placed the box back into the cupboard.

His footsteps were heavy and Brooke could feel the vibrations through the floorboards. He walked over and sat next to Brooke on the sofa. He passed her a cereal bar.

"Take it. It's not poison. See?" He took a bite out of his. "Plus you've hardly eaten since being here. Has the nausea worn off?"

She nodded and unwrapped the cereal bar. Spencer smiled when she started chewing. "I thought you might be wondering why you are here."

"Might have crossed my mind." She said quietly.

"See, we know who you are Brooke Reid. Your parents took something from us, and we've spent ages trying to track it down. So hopefully they will have had enough time to think about what they are missing and are willing to do a trade."

"You've not been following me very well have you." She looked at Spencer's face. "My parents died a couple of months ago. I have another guardian now."

"I'm sorry for your loss. But we know that already, actually we think your new guardian might have what we are looking for. By now he should be aware of what we want. We will contact him soon. Let him know you are safe."

"What am I meant to do while here?"

"Relax, read. I bought you some books actually. Thought you'd like some more of your age range and I also bought you some books to study from if you wish. If there are any other books you want or need, just let me know."

He stood up and walked off. Brooke looked through the bag, at least he had a good taste in books.



"Hello old friend."

Phillips' heart dropped. "How did you get my number?

"Our little friend gave it to me, nice phone you gave her. She's doing well, she's currently reading. Didn't imagine you as a parent again."

"When did you get out of prison?"

"I'll be asking the questions, Phillips. I need something the Reids passed onto you. You know what I want."

"No, I have no idea. I hadn't seen the Reids for years."

"Don't play games with me George."

"I'm serious. I'm not messing. I have no idea what you're on about."

"A microchip. It's small, computer chippy."

"Look, you're talking to a guy who can't even open his emails. I have no use for a microchip, no one would trust me with technology."

"You have twenty-four hours to think about it before I call back."

He hung up.

He turned to Brooke.

"Are the books okay?"

She nodded.

"Good, you might be here a while."

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