Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Do you ever knock? You're giving my secretary a heart attack every time you storm through the door asking if I'm in." She didn't look up from her computer. She didn't need to, there was only one person who entered the room without knocking.

"Spencer Perry." He said sharply.

"What did you say?"

"Spencer Perry. Did you know he broke out of prison?" Wares didn't reply. "Oh of course you did. You would have been one of the first to find out. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I thought you might try and find him. That man angers you more than anyone else I've seen. It's understandable, but I couldn't risk you hunting him down and doing something you'll regret. There are people looking for him already, it's being dealt with."

"Well they failed because he has Brooke."

Wares stopped typing on her computer, she looked up at Phillips "Are you sure?" She asked as if warning him about what he was saying. "Are you a hundred percent sure?"

"He rang me, says he has Brooke."

"What does he want?" She was listening now. She moved away from her computer so she could see Phillips clearly.

"A microchip the Reids had."

"A microchip? From you? The guy who can't even use technology."

"That's what I said."

"Well do you have it?"

"No. I don't even know what chip he is on about."

"Well, we better find out."


"See what files we have, and go through them all."

Phillips took out his phone and made a call to Aiza. She had no idea what they were on about either, which was not helpful in the slightest. He thanked her and hung up.

Wares was currently going through the filing cabinets, pulling out bulky folder after folder and piling them on her desk.

Phillips grabbed one of them and skimmed through it. He found nothing interesting and put it to the side.

"We're going to be here forever."

"Agreed." She said, sounding like she was ready to admit defeat. "I'm gonna call in Knox. She might have an idea on something that might help."

Phillips sat on a chair in front of the desk and waited for the knock. Wares called Knox in and updated her on the situation.

"You have access to all the files you need on your computer. May I?"

"Go ahead." Wares said as she moved out of the way of the desk.

Knox sat at the desk and proceeded to talk through her actions.

"You need to search keywords. Here, I've input in 'microchip'. We have four thousand results. So we need to use another keyword." She typed quickly on the keyboard, not stumbling over the letters like Phillips would have. "We have three results for Spencer Perry microchip."

She clicked on the first one and read.

"It's a report by Vincient Reid."

"What does it say?"

"Give me a second and I'll paraphrase. It's a lot of, you know reports, not getting to the point very quickly."

Knox scrolled down and continued reading until she found what she needed.

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