Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Pierce ran into the building and the smell of blood and alcohol hit his nose instantly. It turned his stomach, he had to stop himself from gagging. Police officers dispersed around the building, gathering up evidence.

"Over here!" Someone cried to him.

Pierce ran to the other room and he saw her, hanging, suspended by rope. His heart dropped. He ran over and took his penknife from his pocket and started to work on the ropes, supporting her body as he did. The paramedic ran into the room with her bag and set it one the floor and helped Pierce get the body down.

"Shouldn't we take photos of her hanging there?" A voice shouted over to them.

"Fuck the photos, officer. Seriously, fuck them and shove them-"

"Pierce?" Phillips yelled as he ran into the room, followed by Howell and Knox.

"Help me get her down."

The others each helped and they laid Brooke on the floor and allowed the paramedics to do their work. They worked quickly and spoke in hushed voices.

One of them nodded and stood up as others ran over to help. She led the team away from the body on the floor.

"What's happening? Is she going to be okay?"

"She has serious injuries, but she is still alive."

Phillips watched as they carefully placed Brooke onto a stretcher and took her out of the building in a hurry.

"But it doesn't look good. She has so many injuries and has lost a lot of blood. We have an air ambulance on its way. Her best bet is to get to a hospital as quickly as possible. They will be able to stabilize her there."

The paramedic nodded and ran out of the room to join her team.

Phillips' phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, listened for a moment and nodded once, like they could see him, then hung up.

"They have the bastards. Caught them in a stolen car not far from here. I want the three of you to go back and integrate them. I'm going to the hospital."

He walked out without another word.

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