Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Science passed quickly. She had spent the whole lesson copying down diagrams and information she would need for the experiment they were going to do in their next lesson. The bell rang out and students started to slowly pack away their things until Mr Lyon told them to pack away properly and head to form.

They walked down the stairs together. Brooke wanted to drop the now defrosted ice pack back to the office. But Sam wasn't going to let her go alone.

"The one time I left you all day and you got in a fight."

"You were there for some of it."

"Yeah, but think about what happened while I was gone for five minutes. I'm walking you to the office, plus we will only be quick."

They walked as fast as they could with the crowds that had started to form in the hallways. They squeezed through people who gave her weird looks and whispered about her, clearly shutting up when she drew close.

She thanked the nurse as she handed over the ice pack and they quickly made their way back to their form room. They opened the door just as the bell rang out. Mr Foster smiled and welcomed them in.

She looked around and noticed that Morgan wasn't in the room. She sighed with relief and sat in her seat next to Sam.

Adam walked in holding a red folder with 21FS written over the front with a thick black pen.

"Good to see you remembered it this afternoon Adam, thank you." Adam handed the folder over and sat down.

Mr Foster quickly called out the afternoon register and then opened the red folder. He handed out detention slips.

Adam had one for not doing his homework, but the way Mr Foster read it out made it seem like he wasn't surprised at all. Brooke guessed detentions were a regular occurrence for Adam.

He pulled out another pink slip and hesitated.

"The award for quickest detention, beating Adam who held the previous record of two days into the school year, goes to Brooke. Who has two weeks worth of detentions on her first day. Come up here and collect your prize."

Brooke stood up and walked over to Mr Foster.

"Congratulations Miss Reid. But let's not make this a regular thing." He said as he handed the slip over.

Brooke walked over to her desk and sat down. Mr Foster pulled out more paper.

"Even in form folders we get junk mail." He said, screwing up some paper into balls and throwing them into the recycling bin.

He pulled out another piece of paper, this time on blue paper.

"Brooke, you need to report to the office at the end of form. Thank you."

He screwed up the paper and threw it into the recycling too.

He read out some announcements that took up the rest of form and the sound of the bell ringing out made most of the students cheer and pick up their bags. School was over. Brooke had mostly survived the first day.

"Good luck at the office. I'll see you tomorrow hopefully." Sam said as he picked up his bag.

"Thank you for helping me today. I appreciate it. I hope you have a good evening and I'll see you tomorrow, no doubt about that."

She grabbed her things and started walking to the office. The same receptionist from this morning was sitting by the window where students went to ask questions.

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