Chapter 19

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Chapter 19



"Leave that wimp and I'll show you a good time." Brooke glared at the group of boys who thought they were funny. One of the boys made a rude gesture towards Brooke.

It had been two weeks since the note arrived on Brooke's desk. Two weeks of more and more comments, getting ruder and ruder. Ignoring Morgan hadn't worked. It made it worse, clearly Morgan wanted attention and she was about to get it.

"Brooke think about this." Sam said as he tried to keep up with her walking speed. "She wants to get a rise out of you."

"Yeah, and she's got it. When I find her-"

"You're going to walk past her and ignore it."

She stopped walking. "Ignore it? She's been spreading more and more rumours. Least you were getting high fives from some of the boys because they think we've slept together. It's a double standard. Just for a moment, if we did hypothetically have sex, then why does the boy get congratulated and the girl gets branded as a whore. Even if they are the same age? I don't get it. A girl isn't worth less if she had sex with someone, it doesn't mean she is easy, it means she had sex. That's it. A boy isn't worth more if he has sex. No one is worth more or less if they have sex. It's stupid and frustrating."

"Hey, well done bagging some chocolate." A boy said as he walked past. Brooke glared at him.

"See what I mean. I'm not a prize to be won." Brooke was shaking from anger.

"I know, and I don't understand it either. It's stupid, but it's secondary school and gossip happens. We just have to be bigger than the lies."

"I hate it." She started walking off. "I'll give them something to talk about."

"Brooke slow down and think about this. Can't we tell a teacher?"

"Oh wow, geez. I didn't think of that."

"I'm trying to help."

Brooke stopped again and looked at Sam. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. You're my best friend and I guess we are in this together. I have told teachers, I've told Mr Gardener and Mr Foster. But all they've said is they will have words with Morgan. But nothing has changed."

"Starting a fight isn't going to solve anything. They've already considered kicking you out, you've said that yourself."

"I'm not going to fight her, I'm going to yell at her. Loudly with a strong choice of words." She continued walking. "You can either come with me, or stay out of it. Up to you, I don't mind which one." She yelled back to Sam.

He ran to keep up with her. She watched as Morgan walked across the playground, closely followed by her lackies.

"Hey!" Brooke shouted at her. "I want a word."

Morgan turned to her. "You can have two. Fuck off."

"Why have you been telling people I've slept with Sam?"

"Oh, I haven't been saying it was only Sam. You also slept with some of the football and rugby team."

"Why must you spread rumours about others? Is your life really that boring? Are you so desperate to be apart of someone else's life, that when they reject your friendship you find another way to worm your way in?"

"I said you'd regret saying no to me."

"And I repeat what I said, you're a spoilt brat." Brooke turned to walk away but Morgan grabbed hold of her hair.

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