Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

She wanted to scream, but all she could do was stare. Andrew was wearing the officer's uniform, standing in front of her. She looked out of the window and watched the figure start to run away.

"Surprising what someone will do if you pay them a little."

"Where's the officer you stole the uniform from?"

"Tied up in a cupboard somewhere. Powerful drug that Spencer got in."

"What do you want?" She looked around her, nothing was in her reach and her legs weren't strong enough to hold her yet. She was stuck in the bed.

"I want to know where the microchip is. If Spencer wanted it, it must be important, which means there is probably someone out there willing to pay a lot of money for it. I won't be getting paid for the job now, seeing as Spencer got arrested."

Brooke saw Andrew secure his grip around the gun in it's hollister. He was not very good at violence, but a gun was easy to use. One bullet and he could kill her. The only question was whether he was desperate enough to do it.

His hand was trembling.

"I don't know where the microchip is. No one does." She watched his hand, making sure he didn't do any sudden movements. "How did you escape?"

"I guess I was lucky. Spencer grabbed Simon and shoved him in the car, convinced he would help him find the microchip. He drove off, left me behind to take the fall. I ran as fast as I could and hid. As far as the officers were concerned, they had found all of the people they needed."

"You don't have to do this."

"I do." He said quietly. "I need the money."

"Andrew, look at me. You can walk away. Start fresh somewhere else." She tried to hold back her emotions, trying to stay calm. But she could feel her instincts fighting her. Everything told her to run, but she couldn't. She was stuck. All she could do was hope someone would come back to the room soon.

"Stop. Tell me where it is."

"I don't know." She felt her fear bubble over, she tried to stop her body from shaking. But she was fighting a losing battle."Please, I'm telling the truth."

"Then you're no use to me."

He pulled the gun out and pointed it at Brooke. He turned away, unable to look at her.

"You're not a killer Andrew. Look at me." She waited. "Andrew, look at me."

He turned towards her. "It's not too late. You can come back from this. I know you're not a killer."

She looked through the window in the door and saw Pierce in the distance. She forced herself to tear her eyes away from it. She needed to keep her attention on Andrew.

He was crying and still pointing the gun. His lips were moving, muttering something to himself over and over.

"Andrew. You pull that trigger and things get a lot worse for you. You're better than that."

"I - I need the money." The gun trembled.

"Killing me doesn't help you. It makes things worse for you."

"Shut up! Stop talking! You don't know anything about this." His hand stiffened again.

She risked a look towards the window, Pierce was walking towards the door. Gun drawn. He must have seen what was going on in the room.

The door burst open with such force that Andrew was pushed out of the way. Howell jumped on Andrew and kicked the gun out of his hand.

"You're under arrest." They said as they cuffed Andrew's hands behind his back.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Pierce said as he rushed to the side of Brooke's bed.

Tears of relief ran down her cheeks. She wiped them away on the back of her hand. She nodded. "I'm okay." She said shakily as she watched Howell drag Andrew to his feet.

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