Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

They say it takes a village to raise a child, which is kind of true. All it means is that it takes more people than just the immediate family to raise the child. It takes teachers, peers and even strangers to teach them right from wrong. For Brooke Reid, it took a whole police force.

From the moment she was born she had a larger family than most. She had no biological aunts or uncles but she was not without family. Her parents, well loved in the police force, had entrusted their only daughter to the force. When they were on duty, one of the off duty officers babysat her, fed her, read to her and tucked her into bed.

When they died, they wanted her to have a normal life, but they gave her something better. They brought together two broken people who helped one another to heal, they gave them both a second chance at a family. 

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