CHAPTER 4: She'll Be Sorry

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I swear that if this girl thinks she's gonna stay here then she has another thing coming. The moment I stormed into the house and noticed she was standing by the kitchen looking a little timid as she looked down at the ground fidgeting with her fingers. 

She definitely isn't what I expected and not as in shape neither as most strong ones are of theirs. 

"Sir, my name is Audrina and I understand this is your house, but I have nowhere else to go and I plan to leave as soon as I figure it all out. Please, if you can let me stay and I will cook, clean and do whatever you ask." She says. 

So there goes my rant I had planned out rehearsing in my head from outside to in here when I saw her. 

I took a quick look around and noticed that the place had never been this clean before and as I look at her wrist at the bandage and immediately feel a little bit of sympathy. 

"Alright. If you wish to stay there are some rules you have to follow. Break anyone of them and you're out, got it?!?" I said. 

"Understood." She replies. 

"First rule, you are to always make eye contact when speaking to especially me. It's out of respect. Second, you are never to tell others in particularly of your kind that you are here." I continue while she finally looks at me, taking me back a little bit from her mesmerizing eyes. 

"Okay." She agrees. 

"I'm not finished." I tell her harshly. "You must not keep anything from us or try anything because believe me, I don't care how sad you are or that you're even a female, I will not hesitate to treat you like any other rogue. As for your room, you'll sleep in the downstairs guest room that is all the way at the end of the hall. It isn't much but until you earn your keep and my respect, that's where you'll sleep." 

"Yes Sir." She replies. 

"Maynard...." I hear Thorne begin to argue but this is mostly my house. 

"She'll be fine." I look over my shoulder to tell him. 

"Thank you again for your hospitality." She tells me. 

"Oh and one other thing...." I start. 

"Yes?" She asks. 

"Who are you exactly and what were you doing on our territory?" 

She seems hesitant to answer at first and apprehensive a little but then begins to explain. 

"I had run away from my family. Which you don't have to worry about them coming to look for me because they won't. Nobody will. As far as being on your territory, I was so upset I guess that I hadn't realized I was away from mine." She says. 

I begin to feel like she might not be telling me everything but honestly, I am way too tired and jet-lagged to care at this point at least to ask her anything more. 

Besides, she'd probably lie to me anyways and also, I have ways of finding information out myself on people. So for now, I'll just drop it and leave it as is. 

"Fine then welcome to our house. I expect dinner to be ready tonight by no later than six." I tell her. 

"Of course. The guys told me the times you all prefer to eat." She tells me. 

"Well then, I guess that's it for now." I glare at her as I walk past her and walk towards my bedroom upstairs while Thorne introduces himself and begins talking with her. 

I don't care if she becomes best friends with him or any of my guys really. Just as long as she stays out of my way and follows the rules, her and I will get along just fine. 

If I find out though that she is messing with us to try and get information or something that indicates other than what she told us about how she came here, she's be sorry. Mock my words. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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