Chapter 18~ Cold Blood

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Two weeks after the whole Nate fiasco, things were okay. Although the tension remained.
Everytime I saw Nate I fantasized about punching him right in the face. I should've trusted my gut the first time I had doubts about him.
Pierce was amazing. Ever since our moment outside the school, we spent a lot of time together. He made me feel something, something that couldn't be replicated through hook-ups or one night stands.

It was Saturday, Pierce and I were sitting on the hood of his car, watching the ducks swim across the pond. We sat in comfortable silence.
Up until his phone rang, interrupting the quiet.
Pierce excuses himself and answered the phone saying it was important.
"Hello?" Pierce had a harsh tone.
I could hear the person on the phone almost yelling.
Pierce let out a grunt, running a hand through his hair.
"Can't this wait? I'm busy." Pierce looks back at me, giving me a small smile.
"Well shit. I'll be there in 10." Pierce's knuckles were turning white due to how tight his grip was on the phone, he then pulled the phone from his ear and hung up in an angry rush.
He looked back at me,"Hey, I have someone I have to meet. Can I drop you off at Trixie's?" Pierce asked, stepping in between my legs as I was still sitting on the hood.
"Yeah, that's fine." I gave him a genuine smile. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of who was going to be getting his attention. I didn't want to be that girlfr- I mean, I don't know. We aren't dating. But there's isn't anyone else I'd rather spend my time with.

Pierce presses his soft lips against my cheek, and then walked to the passengers side door, opening it.
I laughed at his gentlemen like gesture, and proceeded to get into the car.
After a short ride, we were in front of Trixie's house.
Lex was a name Pierce had given me, at first I was a bit weary of it. Now I love it. I love it when he says it. It felt like a little more intimate.
"Yeah?" I looked back up at him, his almost-black hair was falling into his eyes.
His hands were still gripping the wheel, knuckles turning white again.
"I have to go away for awhile. A few weeks at most." His eyes were looking at the steering wheel in front of him.
"Why?" My eyes were staring at him intently, his face had no emotion.
"I can't tell you. At least not right now." His gaze met my eyes.
What couldn't he tell me? Was it something bad? I want him to be able to trust me, to be able to tell me his secrets and problems. I guess I was wrong.
I let out a sigh, pushed the hair out of my eyes, and opened the door to leave. Pierce could tell I was frustrated, but he hadn't offered any other explanation.
As I was about to step out, Pierce grabbed my wrist.
I turned around and met his cold gaze.
"I'll be back soon. I promise." Pierce had an empty smile.
I hope he's right.
A few days later at school, I sat in first hour. Pierce wasn't there, he was wherever he couldn't tell me he was. I was worried for him. Was he ok?
I had no contact with him, which i'm really mad at myself for not getting his number or something.
"Alex?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts when all of the rest of the class is looking back at me.
"What?" My response gets a few snickers from other students.
"You were called to the office, try to keep up." Mr. Whats-his-name motions me towards to door.
I stand up from my seat, and slowly step towards the door. Shit. I couldn't think of anything i'd done that would've landed me in the office. Well maybe punching Nate, but I couldn't have imagined him snitching.
I'm walking down the hallway, my hands pushed into the pocket of my distressed black jeans.
As I come upon the door to my office, there's a police officer standing beside Principal Jacobs.
I hesitate, why the hell would there be a police officer?
I knock on the door, Jacobs quickly opens the door.
"Ms. Stone, please have a seat." He motions next to take a seat.
"Do I do something?" I finally speak up, curiosity got the best of me.
Jacobs sits in his black office chair across the desk and laces his fingers in each other. He looks to the officer to his left.
The officer steps forward, he has dark hair that's speckled with white, and a scruffy beard. His hazel eyes burn into me.
"Ms . Stone, we received a call this morning about a cadaver found in a river. We believe it might be your mother."
His revelation knocked the breath out of me. It feels like somebody had their hands wrapped around my throat, not letting go.
I never had the best relationship with my mother, but I did love her. I still hurt. Even though they're not 100% sure it's my mother, the possibility still hurt.
Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, my knuckles were turning white from how hard I was gripping the arms of the chair.
I couldn't find it in me to say anything.
"Ms. Stone, would you mind coming with me down to the police station to answer a few questions." The officer said in a voice that sounded like he smoked 4 packs a day.
I shook my head, the words still stuck in my throat. I stood up next to the officer, he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
The police station was a madhouse, phones going off every five seconds, and people fast walking back and forth with handfuls of paper.
I was sitting in a room with a yellowing light, it flashed on and off every so often. The police officer that was at the school, Officer Madison, was sitting across from me, next to him was a pretty young woman. Her curly auburn fell over her shoulder as her high cheekbones supported a hair of glasses.
"Good morning Ms. Stone, I'm detective Holly. Do you mind if I ask you a few question?" She said with a sweet smile.
I shook my head, I haven't said a word since we got here. Officer Madison quietly excused himself, leaving just Detective Holly and I.
"So, Ms. Stone, What was your relationship like with Audrey Stone?"
Her words felt like a gunshot. Hearing my mothers name put everything into prospective.
"Well, uh, I hadn't talked to her in awhile. It weren't bad, I guess." I kept my eyes glued to my hands, that suddenly became very interesting. Detective Holly nodded her head and scribbled something down on her notepad.
"And you father passed away when you were little, correct?" Detective Holly looked back up at me from under her lashes.
I nodded, the mention of my father made my chest hurt.
"Did you know of any, let's say, enemies your mother had?" The detective had a serious look on her face.
"Not that I know of, like I said I haven't talked to her in awhile." My voice sounded rough, I was already on the point of breaking and this littler interrogation wasn't making anything better.
"When was the last time you spoke with your mother?" Detective Hollys words felt like daggers.
"I don't know, a few weeks ago I guess"
"So can you tell me why you haven't spoke with your mother?"
I didn't want to tell her the truth. It wasn't my mother I was avoiding. It was everything that came with her. I wanted to badly to just leave this whole place and never come back. To just crawl in a little hole and stay there.
I hesitated before speaking, "Well, I just thought it would be easier not to. We didn't really connect after my father passed away."
My words hung thick in the air, both of us could feel it. Detective holly sat there writing on her notepad.
She then rose from her chair, and extended her hand to me.
"Thank you Ms. Stone, I know how hard this could be.. considering.." She trailed off. You mean considering someone killed my mother in cold blood?
The grief that once filled my both was now boiling with anger. How could somebody do this? I want to find the person who did this to
my mother, I want to hurt them. They can't just do that. It's not fair.
But then again, when is it ever fair?
hey guys:D
don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter<3
till next time

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