She dropped the cheesecake - 4,000 special

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Use the melody of "Trivia: seesaw" for these lyrics. Also, I didn't write lyrics for the rap part because Yoongi wouldn't let me. Enjoy.

"I was so excited for this cake
I was waiting for this cake all year long
But then something just happened, my hearts breaks
When I need to think about this thing

This stupid seesaw
No one saw
Oh man
This stupid girl walked
Right past it again
And then the seesaw
Just hit her, I can't
Just think about it
It's so sad, oh damn

Oh shite
She dropped the cheesecake
And I just cried out and pulled my own hair
I might
Have lost my cool there
But I was waiting for this cake all day

Come on
And I know it sounds stupid
I've been crying all day
Even Hobi just couldn't
Make the pain go away
'cause I wanted that cheesecake
Now it's gone, should I stay
Or should I buy more cheesecake?
I am so UPSET

Me: So, Yoongi, what did you think of my song? Yoongi? A-are you crying?

Yoongi: NO

Me: Umm, are you okay?


Me: ....... You really wanted to eat that cake, huh?

Yoongi: WHY, GOD, WHY?!!!!!-

Me: Alrighty then


Thank you for 4,000 reads, my beautiful armys. These specials are happening more often now, and it makes me really happy. Thank you reading and voting and commenting. Have a great day💜

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