Black Friday with BTS

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Jimin: Guys, are you ready for black Friday?

Jungkook: Heck yeah!! I'm so excited. I'm going to buy so many new video games, and I won't even need to contact the Swedish mafia this time.

Hobi: I'm gonna buy so many socks. Like, a lot. My feet won't be prepared.

Yoongi: I'll buy a new neck pillow, since SOMEONE ruined on my old one.

Tae: Oh, come on, you know Yeontan didn't mean it. Plus, you could have just washed it.

Yoongi: After he bitten it and peed on it? No thanks

Tae: Well, you know what? I'm gonna buy Yeontan his favourite drink-

Yoongi: Why does your dog have a favourite drink-

Tae: And I'll let him drink so much thay he'll pee on your new neck pillow, just because you're being so rude!

Yoongi: You do that, and I'll pee on YOUR pillow-

Tae: Pfft, do you think I mind a little pee on my pillow?! I'm a father to a dog, an uncle to two kids and I've sat with Jin and Hobi on the same bed when we were watching 'it'!

Yoongi: WUT-

Jin: I'm gonna buy new wooden chopsticks and a bucket of glitter.

Hobi: ...... Do we wanna know why?

Jin: Probably not

Hobi: Alrighty then-

Jimin: I'm gonna buy tons of see through shirts, tight pants and eearings!. Ugh, I'm so excited!! Black Friday is the best, everything is so cheap!

Namjoon: Guys, for the last time, you are literally MILLIONAIRES


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