Saving Him

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Frisk POV
I just woke up from after saving the underground. Before anybody said anything I sprinted for the ruins.
*5 minutes later*
I reached Asriel. He saw me and said, "Howdy Frisk. I'm sorry, for trying too kill you." Despite being partial mute I was trying to speak more
"Asriel. I want to save you, bring you to the surface." I said quavering

Asriels POV
I was not expecting Frisk to speak nonetheless say she might be able to bring me to the surface. I thought to myself that this would be impossible without taking the life of another, but she proved me wrong.

"Asriel I want you to know that this is all because I want you to come to the surface with us." Frisk said with absolute care in her voice. She proceeded to show me her soul and ripped it in half and gave me one half. Stunned I said, "Frisk y-you just ripped your soul in half." "Asirel, you desire a chance at a new life and I'm willing to do everything in my power to do so. I stared blushing a light shade of pink. I accepted and gave her a big hug and she hugged back making us both blush.

We headed back to New Home and everyone was in awe as me and Frisk stood hand in hand. Asgore and Toriel rushed over and gave us both a hug and cried in tears of joy. "How are you here Asriel?" "Frisk helped me. It's still a bit of a blur but she helped me so much. I felt so safe with Frisk and my parents.

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