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Asriels POV

It's been about a month since the incident happened. Frisk hasn't left my side ever since I woke besides to use the bathroom. I wake up around 6am and wake up in a pool of my sweat and Frisk was woke up by this to. I still couldn't move mush since my spine was pierced when stabbed, but Frisk comforting words calmed me. "Its all right Azzy your ok calm down." She said while hugging me. I was crying and despite having fur was freezing.

One of the doctors came in to check on me around 6:30am. "How do you feel on this cold morning Asriel." The doctor asked. "Mediocre and cold." I explained. "I dont know if we have a spare extra blanket." The doctor said. "Doc could I lay with Asriel?" Frisk asked. I was getting flustered at this point. "Sure it wouldn't affect anything that I'm aware of." The doctor said.

The doctor left and Frisk hopped on to the bed with me and we snuggled. "Frisk am I crippled for life?" I asked worried. "No. Sans came in and used his magic to mend your spine but it would take a while." She spoke positively. I was so happy that she said that I kissed her and snuggled with her for another few hours.


Frisk POV

I asked the doctor if I could lay with Azzy because I knew he was lonely and wanted to snuggle. I woke up around 11 and Azzy also woke up. "Good morning sunshine." Azzy said to me. I was blushing deeply. I kissed him on the muzzle and said, "Good morning Azzy.

The day went normal we snuggled Toriel came to visit and saw us snuggling while we were asleep and every else came to hear the news. "Alright Asriel in two days you will be set free but will need a wheel chair until your spine heals. Try not to push yourself in anyway." The doctor announced. Everyone was happy but had to go because the doctor had to do a test I was the only one allowed to stay.

Asriel POV

I had to get a test to see how my stomach was. When I was stabbed I lost lots of blood and could have died in the coma if I wasn't treated sooner. The test said that they couldn't stitch it and it had to heal manually or else it'll rupture. (Just for clarification I was stabbed in the back.)

The day was here, it was my birthday and the day I got released from the hospital, Jan 20th. Mom and dad came to get me and Frisk. Frisk got me in a wheelchair and wheeled me outside. She picked me up and put me in the car seat. She folded the wheelchair, put it in the back, and got in. Next destination, home.

Frisk POV

When we got home I got Azzy into his wheelchair and took him inside. "SURPRISE" everyone yelled. Azzy was caught off guard so much he nearly fainted. I laughed and wheeled him to the couch set him down and got him a slice of chocolate cake for his birthday he was so happy. We did presents and sang happy birthday. Everyone left around 9 because Azzy was getting really tired. I couldn't blame him, I was to. I wheeled him up the slope on the stairwell mom and dad installed and took into bed.

I got Azzy clothes and I got my clothes. Azzy changed in the bed room and I changed in the bathroom. When I came in he was already laying down. Toriel was telling goodnight and so on. Asgore asked to talk with me. "Frisk I'm gonna ask you to sleep in the living room because I'm scared you might hurt Asriel. Heartbroken I got a blanket and pillow went down stairs to try and sleep. Azzy asked me where was I going and I told him I was told to sleep downstairs. Toriel was not amused and talked to Asgore about it and she said, "Fine Asgore Frisk will sleep in the living tonight and she will sleep with Asriel tomorrow. "Fine." I murmured to myself and went to sleep.

I woke up and screamed but muffled myself quick so no one heard me I checked my phone. It was 1 and I got a text from Azzy about five minutes ago, "Frisk if you see this message please come and sleep with me I'm having nightmares." I was teary eyed because of how I felt bad for Azzy.

I grabbed my stuff and went upstairs to walk into our room to hear Azzy whimpering. I walk over and say, "Calm down Azzy its me Frisk." I whispered. He calmed down I hopped in bed with him and we snuggled and we didn't have anymore nightmares.

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