The Next Child

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Asriels POV

It was Febuary 20 and me and Frisk wake up to Toriel yelling. "Gorey I think my water broke." We hear her yell. Asgore calls everyone telling them to go to the hospital and for Papyrus to pick us up. Asgore came running into our room. "Good your awake. Your mother's water broke.

Five minutes later Papyrus showed up. "IM HERE YOUR MAJESTY." We hear him yell. Frisk rushed me into the back-back of the car and she ran with my wheel chair back inside I scoot over and look out the window and I see Frisk rushing Toriel into the car in the wheelchair. We all got in and Frisk got the wheelchair and folded it and held it in the back and I fell asleep

Frisk POV

Papyrus drove to the hospital as fast as possible. When we got there I gave the wheel chair to dad as he put Toriel in it. I got Asriel on my back climed through the car trying not to wake him up next thing I know he wraps his arms around my neck. Thankfully he's pretty light.

We rushed in and everyone was already there and mom was rushed to the birth room or whatever it's called. Me and Azzy aren't aloud in since we were too young so we waited in the living room. Azzy wakes up and looks at me. "Good morning sleepy head" I say as he giggles. I set him down next to me on the bench and we snuggled there and we fell asleep.

Asriels POV

About an hour later Undyne wakes us up and cares us to the room. "Hey Undyne." Me and Frisk both said drowsily. "Rise and shine kids." She says enthusiastically. We walk in and Undyne put us down on our feet. I immediately feel a surge of pain and collapsed to the floor hitting my head and making me fall unconscious.

I wake to see Frisk laying with me in a hospital bed I feel my head and my forehead is wrapped with bandages. I look at Frisk. She opens her blue eyes and smiles and kisses me. "What happened?" "You hit your head and passed out." Frisk explains. "What time is it?" I ask Frisk. "Like 6am" I was out all day wasn't I." "Yeah you were. The doctors said that day you wake up you could leave."

The Doctor came in five minutes later and saw as snuggling. "Good morning you two." The cheery doctor says. "I see you are ok Asriel. Do you want to call anyone to see if they could bring you home or would you like to wait?" "I would like to go home now." "I'll call someone and see if there awake." Frisk says. "Well it's all settled than." The doctor leaves us.

Frisk first calls Undyne. "Hello?" "Hey Undyne! Could you pick up me and Azzy at the hospital?" "Sure! I'll be there in a minute." She booms. Frisk gets up and gets my wheelchair and wheels me out into the waiting room. Just as we get to the waiting room Undyne showed up.

"Hey punks!" Undyne teased. She signed me out and Frisk wheeled me out of the hospital as Frisk and Undyne walked out into her fish car. Undyne drove us home and we went into the house we heard Toriel caring for her newborn. The baby was a girl and her name was Lulu. The baby was sleeping in her hands. She was a cute little goat like me I hear Frisk mumble. Toriel saw us and said, "Welcome home my children. Would you like to hold Lulu?" I was so happy to have a baby sister. Mom gave me Lulu and I held on to her and loved her. I gave her to Frisk who was crying with joy as her new baby sister was in her hands. "She reminds me of you Azzy." I started to blush.

Months later

It was April and I was still crippled but me and Frisk were still together. Today was April 8 and we asked mom if we could take Lulu on a stroll with us. Toriel agreed but warned us, "If anything happens come strait home. Remember if you guys get attacked dont hesitate to call sans with the remote." "Okay mom." Me and Frisk said.

Lulu was a monster child and therefore learned how to speak faster and learned how to make a flame. I held Lulu on my lap while we took a stroll. "Aswiwal were are we going?" Lulu asked me. "*laugh* nowhere we are just strolling around." I said laughing.

Me and Frisk had gone on many strolls and were fine, but this was the worst one. Frisk stopped and saw him. I saw him to and knew this would be rough. "To think I thought I was having a bad day." Craig mocked. "Craig, I'm going to ask you once go away or you will get hurt bad." I growled. "Oh look its prince fluff buns what are you gonna do you crippled waste of space." I was furious.

"Who are day Aswiwal." Lulu said about to cry. "There meanes Lulu. Stay away from them." I told her. "Look the goat has a daughter now." "Shes not my daughter, shes my sister!" I yelled. "Oh I'm sorry tough guy. What were to happen if I were to kill her." Craig mocked. "IF YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER YOU WILL REGRET IT HEAVILY." I screamed.

At this point Lulu was crying. Craig walked up to me while Frisk was pulling the wheelchair backwards. "What's wrong you scared? Hehehe you should be Frisk tripped and couldn't move the wheel chair backwards. I was so scared I couldn't move. He was about to strike Lulu and Frisk couldn't call for Sans since she dropped it. Suddenly Undyne appeared and was cut through the stomach. "UNDYNE!" I yelled.

Her body was cut in half. I realized then he had LOVE. Suddenly she transformed into the Undyne the Undying. "Your gonna have to try a little HARDER THAN THAT." Undyne roared. Sending a barrage of spears. Impaling Craig and his friends. Lulu was crying so much Frisk was knocked out from falling on her head, and Undyne was almost killed I couldn't do anything.

Then a barrage of flames came barreling toward Craig and his friends blowing them far far away. It was dad. "Asriel! I'm so sorry you and Lulu had to see that." Asgore cried. Undyne turned into her normal self again. "Dad we need to get to the hospital." He agreed and he grabbed the handles on my wheel chair and ran home to drive to the hospital with Undyne following behind holding Frisk.

I felt bad Lulu had to watch that. She was already crying into my chest. I never mentioned but Lulu was a really short kid and was shorter than my chest barely.

We got to the hospital as it was just me, dad, and Frisk who was bleeding. I remember when I had the same thing happen to me. Frisk was sent to the ER for surgery since she had to get her head stitched. Dad put Frisk in my hands so she didnt just sit in a chair. She woke up while dad was explaining what happened to the nurse at the front desk.

"Azzy? Is that you?" "Frisk your finally awake!" I cried. "Ugh I have a splitting headache. Frisk I dont want to scare you but you have to get stitches. She stared at me wide eyed and sighed, "I had a feeling." "Dont worry Frisk you'll be okay soon enough. And she fell unconscious again.

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