Standing Strong

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Asriel POV

What is Frisk worth to me I ask myself when I woke up to see Frisk asleep. I answered my own question. She means the world to me. If I were to lose Frisk I wouldn't know what to do. I'm starting to think to myself, why. Why does she care about me so much. I've already asked her this but I dont feel worthy having Frisk as a girlfriend or a sister or even a friend for that matter.

I'm just getting lost in my thoughts. When I first woke up from my coma I didnt feel anything but about a second later the pain kicked in. After we got home I felt like I was in a drunk state. I know how this feels because before Chara came along I was wondering around Waterfall alone and I found a monster. This monster was an Aaron. A drunk Aaron to be exact. He approached me with a bottle of alcohol and jumped me. He made me drink the alcohol. I felt so dizzy afterwards. Eventually Napstablook came by and told the Aaron to go away and started to play a weird song. The Aaron ran away because the music sounded terrible to him and Napstablook took me to the palace and mom and dad found me after I collapsed in judgment hall from being over drunk.

"Azzy?" Frisk says in a sweet caring voice snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you ok?" "Y-yeah. Sorry I was lost in my thoughts." I say giving a fishy looking grin. "Whatever you say."

I try to stand up and to my surprise I was able to stand up and walk around slightly before collapsing into Frisk's hands. "Azzy please dont do that you're going to hurt yourself!" Frisk scolded. "Geez I'm sorry I was trying to see if I could stand." I say starting to cry. "Please dont cry Azzy I wasn't trying to be rude." Frisk said trying to calm me down. "Its ok. You know I'm just really emotional." "And that's what I love about you." I start to blush and she kisses me." "Is mom or dad home?" "I told you last night they weren't going to be home today or tomorrow. Also you were acting really weird last night. What's up?" "I-I-I. I was not right in the head last night." I said on the verge of crying. She put me on our bed. "I know that you knew what that felt like." "When j was younger before Chara I was in waterfall alone and I was approached by a drunk Aaron with alcohol and he jumped me and made me chug a bottle of alcohol and he was scared away by Napstablook." I explained. "Yeesh." I started to cry. "Azzy please stop crying it's ok." I didn't reply.

I calmed down and Frisk brought me down to the kitchen and we had eggs. "Hey Frisk is it okay if I can take a shower?" "Do you need my help?" Frisk says giving me a suspicious look. "F-fine." I say starting to feel weird in my area and blushing madly.


We start to strip. Since I can stand a bit better I can get undressed without Frisks help. I start to walk into the shower being supported by Frisk.

Frisk POV

I feel disgusted at myself for having such lustful feelings for Azzy. "What do you want to do first?" Azzy asks me. I take his paw and put it on my nipple. "Woah! Frisk!" He yells. I start to move his hand and start to rub it. Eventually he starts to suck it. I start moaning. "A-a-azzy I forgot how good y-you are." I said moaning and panting. He stopped. "Oi why'd ya stop?" I said not thinking strait. He came and kissed me. "Are you sure you want to do this Frisk?" Azzy asks me innocently. "Yeah." He slowly approaches me and is blushing furiously. He starts to put his member in me. "Your so tight Frisk!" He yelps. I just stand there against the wall of the tub. He starts putting it in me more and more. Eventually he gets fully inside me he starts thrusting in and out. "I'm starting to feel weird Frisk." "Just let it happen. Please." I ask needly. And it came out making me feel amazing and I pass out.

Not Lemon

Asriel POV

Frisk passes out in the shower so I clean her. When I get done my legs are so tired and i cant carry Frisk so i just set the water to a mildly hot temp and set up a bath I just lay in the tub with Frisk and eventually I fall asleep.

I wake up to see Frisk drying her self off. "Hi Frisk." "Oh hey Azzy." She said flustered. "Can you get me a towel?" I ask getting up out of the tub. She nods.

I start to dry feeling weak in the legs. Once I'm dry I wrap the towel around my legs and limp to our room to change. Frisk walks in after I finish changing. "My legs are really sore so can we just sit downstairs after we eat lunch?" I ask. Frisk walks over to me after getting dressed and picked me up. Instead of putting me in my wheel chair she just picked me up and brought me to the kitchen.

"Alright Azzy what do you want for Lunch?" "Food." I reply with a smirk on my face. "Ok smart guy I guess no lunch for you." Frisk said teasing me. "NO WAIT PLEASE IM STARVING!" I yell. Frisk put some leftover pizza in the microwave for a little bit and gave me a plate with two slices. "Frisk I just want to thank you." "Thank you for what?" She asked clueless. "For taking care of me." "Aw no problem Azzy." She said rubbing my head. I immediately start to blush hiding my face with my ears. "*Gasp* Azzy your growing your horns!" Frisk said hugging me.

Ignoring her last comment I waddle over weakly to the couch. Frisk came over to me laying her head on my shoulder. "Your fur is really soft Azzy you know that." "Thanks!" I said kissing her. "What do you want to watch." I asked. "I heard Alphys made Napstablook a new robot body and they made a band." "Really!" I ask hyper. She nodded and turned to the new band channel and it just started.

"Welcome beauties and gentle beauties to the first Napstaton live performance here in Ebott town." Mettaton said to the camera. We watched the performance it was so good I could have ran around. On the other hand I couldn't for two reasons, 1: My legs are sore, and 2: Frisk fell asleep on my shoulder and wound up laying on me. Eventually I wanted to see if I could pick Frisk up now that we weren't in water. I picked her up slightly and I felt a tugging at my back so I stopped. "Azzy?" "Yes?" "Where you trying to pick me up?" "Um... Definitely not." I said looking the other but facing Frisk. "Look at me please." She said tugging my face so I looked at her. "Yes?" I said trying not to stutter. "You suck at lying." "I know" I said in defeat. "I guess you could say I'm" "Don't you dare" "I'm" "Don't do it" "I'm AS-RIEL AS IT GETS!" I hollered. "Your lucky your my adorable boyfriend." "I know I am." I said cocky. We burst out laughing for a good few minutes. "Ha ha ha alright where were we." I said looking at the TV. "Oh it ended." I sighed.

We look at the time. "How is it already three o'clock?" "I don't know Azzy." "I'm tired do you just want to lay down?" "Ok." She says then tackles so she was on top of me cuddling with me. "Alright hold on let me get a blanket so your not freezing." "Why should you. Your enough of a blanket for me." Frisk said cutely. I felt my face heat up. "Cute but I'm still getting a blanket." I say as I slowly walk to our room up the stairs. "Azzy are you ok?" "Y-yeah it's just annoying getting up stairs." I say panting. Eventually I get up the stairs and got to our room. "I got the blanket Frisk." I yelled. The blanket was obstructing my view so i couldn't see. I start walking down the stairs weakly and I lost my balance. "F-Frisk help!" I said as when I fell I accidentally threw the blanket. Right as I was about to hit the ground I didn't. Suddenly I was moved over Frisk and I fell in her hands and then the blanket fell on us. We didn't care and we kissed. "woah kiddo you got to be careful ok?" A voice said. I emerge from the blanket fortress and saw Sans. "Thanks so much Sans!" I thanked. "no problem Asriel." Sans said. "i came to check your spine. thank god i got here in time. so anyways your spine has healed for the most part but don't push yourself to much. alright i gtg cause paps just got home from work and I need to pay bills by lifting one finger. alright lovebirds i will see you guys later." Sans said as he left.

When Sans left we got back to cuddling and dozed off. When I woke up Frisk was taking a shower. I walked to the bathroom near the kitchen. I knocked. "Azzy? Hi." "Hi Frisk I just woke up." "Ok I'll be out soon." "Ok." I said as I walked to the fridge grabbed a Toby Pox a type of fruit that was like an apple except a lot juicier and it was named after Toby Pox a game creater. I washed and waddled back to the couch and sat down and watched some Mettaton while wait for Frisk. She came out got dressed and slapped me in the face with her soaking wet hair. "OW. That hurt." "That's for that pun from earlier." I staired at her. I just shook my head and we watched more Mettaton shows.

My Little Azzy. Friskriel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now