Hospital, Snow, Friends

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Asriel POV

I wake to Frisk crying on my bed. "Frisk?" I say. "Azzy? I'm sorry." "Its not your fault." "YES IT IS! I was the one who started to use magic and made you collapse." "Frisk it's alright I forgive you." "Thank you Azzy."

"You had to be stabilized." "I did!?" "Yeah." I didnt respond. We left the hospital after Dad signed me out and brought us home. "Mom could me Azzy and Lulu go on a stroll?" "Sure honey."

Firsk got me and Lulu and we were off. Lulu was sleeping on my lap. Suddenly as me and Frisk were passing the park a ghost appeared. Frisk was so surprised. "Chara!?" "Yes Asriel it's me. I finally destroyed the HATE in me and I return as a ghost." "Chara. Please dont haunt me in my dreams." "I won't I have destroyed that part in me. Could you bring me to Alphys' lab she built a machine that could help me." "Okay fine." Frisk muttered.

On our way there Chara summoned an endless winter on the world. "Chara! What did you do. Summon this endless winter to bring you two together more." "Lulu dosent evan have a jacket on!" "Oops sorry I guess." We reach the lab with Lulu Frisk and I freezing. "Alphys!" "Oh hi guys. This must be Chara. Follow me chara into this machine. Chara went into the machine. "Frisk I need a bit of blood from you." Alphys takes a syringe and takes a bit of blood. She deposits the blood sample into the machine and a white haze filled the room. Then the door opened a we all heard a *thud*.

Frisk ran over felling my way around until I found a body. She fanned away the haze and saw Chara's body. Frisk woke her up."W-were am I?" "Chara?" "Is that you Frisk?" "Yes it me Chara!" Frisk helps her up and brings her over to me. Lulu is in my lap, "Who is she Aswiel?" "Lulu that is a long lost sister of mine." I replied to Lulu. Chara finally gains her balance and looks at me. "Whose this?" "This is Lulu Mom and Dads baby they had a few months ago." "She's so cute!"

After all the chit chat I got a call from mom. "Asriel? Where are you?" "We'll be home in five minutes." "Please come home soon its getting late and Lulu needs to take a nap." "Okay mom." *hangs up*. "Frisk can you take us home." "Sure my prince."

"All I remember is my past with Asriel and when I met you at the end of the genocide run Frisk. So could you fill me in on what's been happening recently?" "So me and Azzy have been going to moms school on the surface and recently haven't been able to because Azzy was stabbed by douches and got his spine impaled. Sans started mending his spine but it's still weak. Me and Azzy started dating. We also sleep in the same room and same bed. I got stiches last weak. Mom and dad had Lulu and that's about it." "So much has happened."

When we got home I was feeling weak and Frisk has always been not into blood and stuff like that and I know shes not feeling energized, and Chara was just brought back from the dead so shes probably really tired. We just got home and Frisk wheeled me in. "Children you shouldn't have been out that long. What were you doing th-." Mom scolded then stuttered. "Chara? Is that you? Gorey come down here quickly!" "What is it Tor-." Dad froze at a loss for words. Then they jump on Chara and were so glad that she was back.

"Mom can me and Azzy go up to bed. Were both really tired." Frisk asked tired. "Sure honey. Asriel give me Lulu." Mom said. I gave her an already sleeping Lulu and me and Frisk went up to bed. We got changed and went to bed snuggling.

Chara's POV

I was brought back from the dead about an hour ago and have already been told that Az and Frisk are dating. I feel good for them but I really like Az also and want to date him but I dont want to break them apart. At this point I cant think rationally and decide not to think about it.

"Hey mom where am I gonna sleep?" "I haven't thought about that yet. Why dont you sleep on the couch until we get a bed for you." "Okay mom." I was so tired I got pillows and blankets from mom and dad and slept on the couch.

Asriels POV

Chara is back alive and the night that she was brought back from the dead was terrible. I woke up after a bad Flowey dream I screamed when I woke up and woke everybody but Lulu. Frisk woke up and tried to comfort me while I was crying in terror. Mom and dad came rushing in and asked what's wrong and then Chara came in and she had a troubled look on her face.

"Its okay Azzy it was just a bad dream. Your okay." "It wasn't just a bad dream I saw everyone I loved die then I saw you die Frisk by me then I died to you." I cried. Eventually I calmed down and everyone went back to sleep except for me and Frisk.

"Frisk. You awake?" "Yeah." "Do you want to watch a movie with earplugs?" "Sure Azzy. Anything to help you." I was starting to blush fiercely. Then she got everything set up and we watched, "The Lion King" and at the end end Frisk kissed me unexpectedly and made me jump. If I wasn't paralyzed I would probably knocked her laptop off the bed. After that we went to sleep snuggling as close as we could.

I wake up at 6am probaly because that's around the time I get checked at  the hospital. When I open my eyes I see Frisk staring at me with her beautiful sapphire eyes. "Good morning Frisk." "Morning Azzy." "I take it you didnt sleep well last night." "No I didn't." She said with a flustered expression. I feel her and Frisk is ice cold. "Frisk are you feeling okay?" "Yeah I'm just really cold." Frisk said getting evan more flustered. "Here let's go downstairs and eat breakfast."

We go downstairs to see a sleeping Chara on the couch. When we walk past she wakes up. "Morning love birds." She said in her scratchy morning voice. We both get flustered. "Morning." I say as Frisk put my wheelchair in place of a chair at the kitchen table. Chara comes over to the table for breakfast.

"So Az how did you snap your spine again?" Chara said with a puzzled look. I sigh, "So this kid named Craig and his two friends would beat up Frisk. So one day I followed her and found her getting beat up in a isolated spot and they were threatening her with a knife and I knocked them back with Chaos Saber. Then I was stabbed in the back snapping my spine." I told Chara. "Yeesh that must have been painful." "Yeah. I was in a coma for two weeks." "Two weeks!?" "Yeah. Frisk helped a lot while I was in the hospital recovering." Eventually Frisk asked the doctoring she can lay with me and was given permission too. That helped a lot with passing time."

I got done explaining the story as Frisk brought over some breakfast. "Is the only thing you make waffles?" "Azzy that didnt even make sense." I started to get flustered. "You know what I ment!" "What you meant is can I make anything besides waffles. That's what your trying to say right?" "Yes." We laugh finish eating breakfast and watch TV on the couch.

Me and Frisk start snuggling. "Do you guys just only snuggle or what." Chara asked. Me and Frisk started blushing deeply. "Forget I said anything." Chara added. Me and Frisk start to fall asleep while snuggling.


Me and Frisk wake up to see Chara mom and dad eating lunch. Frisk gets me in my wheelchair and rolls over to the kitchen. "Good afternoon my children." Mom says as she is giving Lulu a small piece of a waffle. I look over to Chara and see she's eating an omelet. Me and Frisk just have an egg, cheese, and ham sandwich.

Me and Frisk excuse ourselves from the table to go watch a movie on the couch from Frisks laptop. We watch a new movie called Crystal Heart. We watch it and it was pretty good. Afterwards my body starts aching so I snuggle with Frisk and fall asleep. I wake up at like 6pm stiff and sore. I call for Frisk and she comes over. "Good evening sleepy head." "Hey. Could you get me a glass of water and pain medicine please. I'm stiff and sore." "Sure thing Azzy." Frisk says as she goes to the bathroom to get the pain medicine.

Waiting for Frisk Lulu walks over. "Hi Aswiel." "Hi Lulu how are you?" "I'm ok Aswiel." Lulu has gotten a lot taller so now she is about up to my muzzle in height when she is standing on my lap. She jumps on the couch to give me a hug. I smiled and hugged back. Lulu slides of the couch and goes to the kitchen.

Frisk came back with the pain killers and water. I drank the water and swallowed the pill in one gulp. I was so stiff that night I asked Frisk. "Can you just leave me in bed I'm really sore." "Okay Azzy." Frisk took me up to our room and puta me in bed. About five hours of watching TV later. Frisk comes in tired. I turn off the TV and gesture her to get in bed after we change
So we did exactly that. When Frisk came in bed and asked me, "Azzy are you ok?" "Besides my spine being snapped and my sore aching body yeah." "You seem to be sad." I start to burst in tears. "Azzy what's wrong." "I feel like such a bad sibling." I said crying. "How?" "I'm asking you to take care of me 24/7 and I feel bad and I barely see Chara." "Azzy I care for you because I love you. You know that." I didnt respond and instead start to snuggle with her. "Goodnight Frisk." "Goodnight Azzy."

My Little Azzy. Friskriel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now