Final Recovery

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A/N Sorry for my absence from the story and I intend on continuing it. This is the final chapter but for this book soon I will make another part to this series. Currently I am working on my Aureliashipping story so go check that out if you want. Thankyou for all the support and I am sorry for my absence.

Asriel POV

It's been about a month since Sans last checked my spine which was when Frisk and I were watching Mettaton. Today I get up to try and walk down the stairs. Normally I get slight pain or a lot of pain going up and down stairs. I start walking down the stairs in the morning after slipping out of Frisks grip on me while she was asleep and I feel no pain after taking my first step. I reach the bottom with no pain. I run up stairs and no pain I wake up Frisk realizing it's only 8 am. "What is it Azzy?" Frisk says in her hoarse morning voice. "I just walked up and down the stairs with out any pain!" I say hyper trying not to wake up my parents or Lulu. "Really?" Frisk asks surprised. I nodded and took her hand and yanked out of bed and into the hallway. I walk toward the stairs and start to walk down the stairs without stopping or wincing. "Good job Azzy!" Frisk whisper yells. "Thanks!" I said blushing. We then kiss for what felt like eternity.

We walk into the kitchen and start breakfast. "Azzy could you hand me the eggs?" "Yeah sure Frisk." I reply with a big smile. "Has anyone told you how cute you we're?" Frisk asked me with her eyes staring at me. "No I don't think so. Oh wait I have by someone who's name starts with a f and ends with a k." I say giggling. "I wonder who it is." Frisk says. "So do I." We had eggs on toast for breakfast and we ate watching tv. Suddenly we hear crying. Mom walks out of her room. "Good morning my children. Would you be able to get me a diaper for Lulu?" "Yeah sure mom. Also we made you dad and Lulu breakfast." "Thank you my child." Mom replies.

I get the diaper and realize that I dont feel anymore pain. I come running in the room. "Mom Frisk I don't feel anymore pain in my back!" Mom shot me surprised looks. "Well have to ask Sans on that one." Frisk replies. "Yeah I guess." I sigh not wanting to leave the house.

After informing dad, changing Lulu's diaper and getting dressed we head to the skelebros house. *knock* *knock* "Visitors? I wonder who it could be. Oh your majesty! What a surprise to see you here. Come on in." Said a tall lanky skeleton. "We came to have Sans look at Asriels back." Dad explains. "Give me a second. SANS!" Papyrus yelled. "Jeez dude you dont have to yell what's up?" A short chubby skeleton walks down the stairs. "Oh it's the royal family. I'm assuming you came for me to check Asriels back?" Sans asked. We nodded.

After about 5 minutes of Sans checking my spine through magic he finally said, "Its all healed. You shouldn't have any problems anymore." Sans said. We all cheered. "Mom dad could me and Frisk go on a walk?" I ask our parents. "Of course Asriel." Mom says. I take Frisks hand run out the door.

After running for a while we reached a tree on a small hill. We sit and admire the clouds. "Hey Frisk." "Yeah?" "Thanks for being with me all the way." "No problem. It's nothing if it's for,

My Little Azzy.

AN:Final word count for the whole story besides q/a is 13,886

I've started the sequel, it's called 'An Indescribable Dream'

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