Reattachment Hell

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Asriel POV

November 29th

Today I wake up to see Frisk snuggling with me. I give her a kiss on the forehead and she wakes up. "Morning Azzy." She says. "Morning." I say as I feel a snap in my back. I scream in pain and mom and dad came rushing in with Lulu. "Azzy! Are you ok?" Frisk asked. "Y-yeah it was just pain for half a second hehe."

Everyone starts to leave as does Frisk so she can use the bathroom. I try to stand up then to see Frisk come in and run towards me. "Azzy! Don't do that please!" Firsk yells at me. "I still stood up right?" I said quavering and crying. She put me in my wheelchair and wheeled me down the stairs. "Hey Frisk could we not tell mom and dad about what happened." "Sure my love." She replies.

We eat breakfast and I want go to sit on the couch. I'm still recovering from what happened so Frisk picks me up and puts me on the couch and snuggles with me. "I love how cute they are!" I hear mom whisper to dad. Frisk was sleeping at this point and she wakes to Lulu crying. Mom and dad rush over to her to see she has burn marks on her paws. "Do you think she tried fire magic?" Dad asks. "Most likely." Mom replied.

"My children we are going to try and teach Lulu how to use fire magic. We are also going to go to Undynes with Lulu so we won't be back until late." Mom said. "Okay mom." I reply. I fall asleep right after.

I wake up in a black box with Frisk. She is just laying there. "Frisk!" I say running over to her to her realizing I can walk. "Frisk wake up please!" "Azzy? Where are we?" She asks. "In a dream I'm pretty sure.

"Welcome." A voice says. A red grinning face appears. "Its me your best friend. CHARA DREEMURR!" "No. Your dead. You died!" I scream. "You two will have this dream whenever your asleep until you defeat me." Chara said. "Azzy we dont have a choice." Frisk said. "O-ok." I replied. At this point Frisk only knows how to use fire magic so she is very vulnerable.

"Shall we begin?" Chara cackles. "Fine." I growled. She charges at me with her knife. I call on chaos saber to defend in one hand and blast her away with my fire magic in the other hand. "Not bad." She says with a small gash in her face. I called on chaos buster and try to blast her away. I charge up a rainbow blast and blast her off into the void. "Until next time. I will let you go for a while but dont expect this to be the last of me." Chara mocks.

Me and Frisk wake up to see were in a hospital bed together. "Seen this place to many times." I chuckle. Frisk starts to cry. "What's wrong?" "Azzy I just want to go home and sleep with you!" She yells into my chest. I start blushing deeply. "Frisk we will get out here soon I promise."

My Little Azzy. Friskriel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now