Everlasting Love

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Asriels POV

I wake up around 9am and Frisk isn't in bed so I called for her. No response. Ok I said to myself, leg me call Frisk, ... ... ... ... ... No response. I start to get paranoid. I text Frisk like 5 times. No response. I thought to myself, "If Frisk isn't here what am I gonna do. Mom and Dad are working. Papyrus was at his restaurant. Undyne was at the school, so was Alphys." Then I thought, "Sans" I start to dial his phone number, but right before I press call my phone died. I start to get scared. I thought then, "let me go over to my wheel chair and open it." I slide off the bed and make a loud *thud* landing on my stomach. The pain wasn't to bad. I tried opening the wheel chair. It didnt work. I got even more scared. "I couldn't go down stairs, I couldn't open my wheel chair, I couldn't call anybody, and I cant crawl back in bed because it would hurt to much. I sit there laying on my stomach, in defeat.

I hear running I look in the doorway and I see Frisk with a horrified look on her face. "Azzy! What were you doing out of bed you could have landed on your back when you fell." Frisk scolded while putting me on the bed. I started to cry. "Azzy please dont cry. I was worried." Frisk says trying to calm me. "Where were you?" I ask trying not to cry more. "I was laying in hot water in the bath. I need to rest in the water and dozed off. I heard a thud and quickly dried off and came running into the bedroom." Frisk explains. "Frisk I'm sorry." "Sorry for what?" "I'm sorry for being such a burden." I said crying onto my hands. "Azzy you are the opposite of a burden. You are the spark of life in the family. Without you being in a wheel chair we would just be the royal family, but with you, you make the family so much more interesting." "I'm just a burden. A sad sack of crippled flesh and fur." Frisk was covering her mouth when I said that. "No your not Asriel. I dont need to list qualities of you and you and me know that both." I crumble and cry into Frisks chest. "I'm sorry Frisk." "Azzy, stop saying your sorry! You have nothing to be sorry about." I gave in and just released more tears into Frisks shirt, soaking it with tears. "Azzy calm down." She says soft and soothingly.

I calm down and stop crying and I gesture for her to come in bed with me. "Hold on, you dont mind if I change in front of you right?" I was crimson colored in the face and I said, "I guess." She nodded and started t ok take off her shirt revealing her bra. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. Then she took off her pants. Then she took off her bra and then her panties. She was naked in front of me (with her back turned to me).

I was so flustered. She turned around revealing everything. "I feel I sorta have to show you my body in order to make up for me wheeling you around everywhere, if that makes sense." I was so red I'm pretty sure I was a darker shade of red than blood. "I-If you want you can touch them." Frisk said. "Um I want to but it feels wrong" I said quivering. "No one will know." Frisk said persuasively. "Fine" I said. She jumps on the bed and let's me explore her.


I touched on of her breasts and she reacts by moaning. I than desired to rub it. She moans more and doesn't stop moaning. I stared to suck her breast and she starts moaning louder and louder. I stopped. "Why'd you stop Azzy. That was amazing." I stared to move down to her thighs. I touched her area and she moaned a lot louder. I decide to suck it. After five minutes of sucking Frisk squirted a liquid out of her area and was moaning so loud. "That's enough for now" I say respectfully. "Ok Azzy. You were amazing at that." Frisk says. I blushed more than before. She got dressed and came into the bed and snuggled with me.

Not Lemon

Frisk got dressed and laid next to me and we snuggled until 1pm. I woke up first and decide to wake up Frisk. "Hey Frisk." "Hi Azzy." She opens her eyes for the second time and couldn't help but kiss her. She was caught off guard but still kissed back. "Let's get lunch whipped up." Frisk said stretching. She opened my wheel chair picked me up and put me into it.

Frisk POV

I was so flustered after what happened this morning. I wheeled Azzy down the stairs and make him lunch. "Azzy, is it alright if we have brunch?" "Sure!" He responded enthusiastically. After five minutes I had some leftover waffles heated up and gave him a plate filled with them. We digged in. "Hey Frisk when should we tell everyone about our relationship?" "I'm thinking Easter." I said. "Sounds good to me my angle" Azzy responded and kissed me.

I cleaned the dishes and asked Azzy what he wanted to do. "Um maybe watch TV in our room?" He says shyly. "Sounds good to me." I wheeled Azzy up the stairs and we watched TV and we ended up falling asleep snuggling.

I wake up and hear mom and dad but I dont move. "They are so cute together, aren't they." Toriel says gleefully. "They are so peaceful and quite." Asgore said cheerfully. I stared to blush thanks to the compliments. Azzy starts to wake up and I instantly muffle him and he doesn't move or say anything.

I decide to get up and Azzy into his wheelchair about 10 minutes after mom and dad left. We came down and mom greeted us. "Hello my sleepy heads." Toriel says as we both blush. "How was your day?" Asgore asked. Me and Azzy knew that we couldn't tell them about this mourning. "It was alright. We couldn't stay awake today I geuss." Azzy said while scratching the back of his head.

Well its 4 now what would you three like for dinner. "Pizza!" Azzy says booming with excitement. "From where do want pizza Asriel?" Toriel asks him soothingly. "Pizza palace!" Asriel boomed. "Are you two ok with pizza? "Yeah." Me and dad said. (Fast forward to when the pizza arrives).

"Pizzas here." Toriel said. "Alright" me and Azzy boom. "So, when me and Asgore came home we called for you and no response. So we go up into your bedroom and I see you two snuggling together sleeping. It was the most adorable thing I ever saw." Toeiel cries. Me and Azzy are blushing really hard now. "So are yo uh two a couple or no?" Asgore asked. "Yes we've been a couple for a while we were just not ready to tell everybody." I said. "How long are we talking?" Asgore questions. "Before Azzy was crippled." They were stunned.

"So when do you plan on telling everybody else?" Toriel asks in a peppy mood. "We planned for Easter." I said blushing deeper know. "That's so cute guys." Toriel cried. "Everbody ships you two." Asgore cried. "So Valentines day is only in a week do you two have anything planned." Toriel Asked. "Is it okay if me and Azzy go out or had like a day to ourselves? I know were in Fifth grade but I still want to do something." I pleaded. "Okay you guys could have the house for the day. Me and Asgore will give you guys one gift each and you two will swap gifts. We will also buy you guys dinner." Toriel said. "Really!" Me and Asriel asked. "Yes" Toriel said with a calm voice. "Thanks guys I hug them and I pick up Azzy and bring him over to our group hug.

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