Drinking Buddy?

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Emily POV:

I need booze so I'm going to find some. Hanna probably has some. So I'll have a drinking buddy. I'll text her.

E: Hey Han, you have alcohol?

H: Yeah, duh, I always have alcohol 

E:  Alright, interested in being my drinking buddy later?

H: Hell yes!

"Hey Em I have to go home" Ali said.

"Alright, ill see you tomorrow then". Perfect timing. Now I didn't need a lame excuse to go and drink with Hanna.

Alison POV

I could tell Em was getting ready to leave. I mean she was basically half way out the door. Good thing we still had the next day to finish our project. I hope she doesn't freak out and bail on me. She told me a lot of things and I think that she thinks I'm going to tell the world or something. I hope not. So I just decided that I should just go home and finish my homework. I just wish that I could've told Emily what I really wanted to tell her.

Hanna POV

Emily doesn't drink unless somethings wrong. She must've said something about her past. It haunts her. But if she was going to drink she shouldn't do it alone. She might hurt herself or hurt someone else. Besides I like to drink anyway. Its a good way to forget a fucked up life. Not that mine was horrible but its not always easy.

Emily POV:

I wanted to forget. Hell, I wanted to die. I had to prove my mom wrong though. Her words echoed in my head "Worthless...failure...Unlovable" Maybe they were true. There were so many other things I just wanted to forget about. And alcohol would help. Whoever said alcohol isn't the answer is a liar. Alcohol is the answer. Until its effects were off. Then life's hell again.

Hey fellow readers. What a chapter huh? Intense sorta. Feedback is appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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