Welcome Home!

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Alison POV

I sat in the coffee shop for about 5 more minutes and just left. Letting my feet take me wherever that wasn't 'home'. I should've just made up a lie like..."Jason I'm pregnant..." He seemed so angry. Now I have no one left... They're gone, Mom, Dad, and Jason. My family...

Eventually I ended up at the cliff.

It's been awhile since I've been here. I was left at the end of the cliff staring over the edge, scared to death of the deep abyss yet it was calming. Maybe I'll fly right out of this crazy place, but that'd be to good to be true. Besides I'm to much of a coward to jump.

Carefully I stepped back from the edge and brought my back to the tree that held possibly one of the greatest memories of mine. I sat on the ground with my pondering thoughts.

Emily POV

I managed to get out of my house leaving Hanna behind. Just walking aimlessly down the road.

How the hell am I going to ask Alison DiLaurentis out? Do I want a girlfriend? Or do I want a date? What if I get rejected?

I was going to walk to the cliff but, decided otherwise. After about ten minutes I ended up back at my home. Hanna was still standing in the kitchen.

"Welcome home!" She yelled

"It's great to be back...long time no see!"

"I know it's been like a whole twenty minutes..." Hanna said

"In all seriousness, how the hell am I supposed to ask Alison out?"

Honestly I have no idea how to do this. I usually only used girls. Which is a horrible thing but, it's true.

"Call Paige." Hanna said tossing my phone towards me.

"No way...."

Hanna scolded me

"I'll just talk to her in school."

Paige McCullers (aka) one of the girls I used over summer break. She was really the only option right now. So I guess I'll take what I can get.

Alison POV

After a few hours I eventually got up and made my way back to the apartment. Hanna was still there, still talking to Em. I made my why to the door opened it and just walked straight into the bedroom. Flopping down on the bed. I could here them talking. Emily was telling Hanna to stay in the living room. Em made her way into the room and tapped my shoulder.

"Yeah." I said through a pillow

"What's wrong?" She asked with concern.

"I don't want to talk about it."

But I did want to talk about it. Badly. Why can't my family just accept what I did? Em didn't move she just stayed beside the bed. She must've knelt down because I could feel her breath on the back of my neck. Which of course made me shiver. God she makes me weak.

Emily didn't say anything and I didn't know what she was doing, as I was still face down on the bed.

"Can you stop breathing? Your making me shiver and it's driving me insane." I flipped myself over and turned to face her.

"Well why don't I warm you up then." Em said

"Em don't do it."

She looked at me like she was confused and stood up. Then proceeded to throw herself on top of me causing me to grunt. We were pressed against each other with our faces about an inch apart.

Aaand that's where this chapter ends. Hello everyone hope you had a great day! Uhm honestly I have no idea where I'm going with this story. Should I continue? Start a new one? Well thanks for reading feedback is appreciated. Until next time...
~Hannah~ 🌌

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