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Monday, drama class:
that day our teacher assigned us a part for each of us, finally my first scripted theatre in my hands, after all those hours spent pulling out our creativity, trying to improvise every scene dictated by the teacher.

The usual bench in the middle of the amphitheatre, two people acting, and the spectators, "our classmates" on the front steps. It was so large the space, that was used for Christmas party, and year-end. After so many lessons, we were finally ready to welcome our character inside our body, after all my mother was right.
She has always encouraged me to pursue my dreams, since the 5th grade, when I decided to take this kind of course, unlike my father who thought that my dream would only made me travel in the clouds, and that I would soon fall with my face on the floor.

The story of the script, it was about a group of people, some alive and some dead, among them there were various dialogues, the living people tried to bring back to life those deaths, various complications, people behind bars, and evil spirits in handcuffs.

I was so excited, maybe a little more than the others, I had already projected myself into the world of cinema, and the big screens. I was a little girl, but I already knew who I wanted to be when I grew up.

Lunchtime: All classes lined on the stairs, we had to go to the mensa , which was upstairs. At that moment I decided to end the friendship with Maddy, I saw her in the distance, like a shadow on a sunny day, I approached her and I said contextual words: "Fuck you and your cousin."

Amazing, I wasn't in the habit of insulting people, but I couldn't hold on to all the weight inside my heart, I had to get rid of it. After lunch we all went to the courtyard, I had a strange feeling, as if something was going to happen... It was just like that.....

I saw half the school approaching me, my blood was freezing, I was petrified, I waiting for them to arrive. In the front row were those stupid girls who used to tease me all the time, and yet again in the middle was Maddy, another time...

With her bodyguards by her side, and a herd of sheep behind her who were always inciting hatred, like in a ring. They heard screams everywhere, they begging us to beat each other, to see blood on that green lawn, they wanted me dead, but they didn't know that I had strong, long arms, even if they were very thin.

She grabbed me by the vest, and she put my face in front to her, told me I was doomed, and there was nothing I could do. I took her by the hair but she was soon able to free herself, so she put her hands between my neck and my shoulders, I did the same thing to her, we pinned each other.

The only moving part of my body was my eyelids burning with rage every time they opened and crossed her eyes.
Two classmates of mine separated us, but we looked like magnets, we tried to get close all the time, maybe because our souls spent so many years together, they couldn't figure out what was going on, and this was the only way to try to hold us together, but you can't put together the ceramic crumbs of a broken vase, like my heart at that moment.

The crowd, walked away with her, flattering her that she was close to killing me, laughing at me, every laugh grew stronger as they walked away, as if they were doing it to get noticed by me, to destroy my dignity, my being, my soul.

When it came time to get out of school , as usual my father was waiting for me outside, only that when I arrived at the exit, I found myself submerged in a sea of people. One of the two girls who always insulted me approached to me, and began to take me by the hair, I did the same, but not having hair as loose as hers, she could not hurt me as she wanted.

Her friend came to separate us, and she told us that we had to stop, and it didn't make any sense. We walked away, and after five minutes the crowd disappeared into the wilderness. I ran up to my father with open arms, told him everything, comforted me by saying that I was a little hero.

I decided not to talk to Maddy anymore, even if from that moment on I missed her so much, so much to dream of her every night for a week, it was as if we were saying goodbye every day, I don't know why exactly 7, Perhaps because as the week has a beginning and an end, we too had come to the end of this strange friendship.

All of a sudden it was dark...

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