I love you's

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A week later, almost at the end of the school year, Sina and I decided to do a research on our country of origin. The economic, political, social situation and all the consequences caused and reported in the minds and bodies of young migrants who every year landed in our country.We were very small to talk about those issues,Sina mainly took care of the political part and the history of the country, leaving me the opportunity to tell everything I had learned from my mother and from all the boys with whom I had spent my days playing.In the middle of the railways, streets and parks of Milan without worrying me about their clothes, their lifestyle and the way they washed without even having a shower, a bed for sleeping, blankets or food. I felt free with them, I felt at ease, at home as if they were my brothers and an integral part of my family.I preferred spending more time with them than with the few friends I had had had, eating with them was a privilege, chasing eachother around the park,fall on the grass and laugh for the tickling... It was a daydream to be able compare my mind with such special people without any tickets bought online, a VIP pass always at your fingertips, inside the heart guarded in a treasure of gold. I began to talk about the situation in which the state made them live abandoned making everyone believe that they lived in the hotel with jacuzzi pools and aperitifs every afternoon as Salvini said to convince age groups destined to harm future generations with their stupid ideas. They had never tried to sleep on their knees along the sidewalks of Porta Venezia; they walked only the opposite road, Corso Buenos Aires, the street of fashion,of splendor and wealth.They spent every note and drank aperitifs in many bars admiring the beauty of the architecture of the buildings without worrying about all those poor boys from all over Africa who cried in silence for not being beaten by law enforcement or police,but they didn't talk about it. They didn't talk about how they were treated in the dorms, about all the problems they had to face alone, with no one to protect them, or rather only with my mother to fight for their rights, ready to talk to the city of Milan, the prefecture and together with the association of which he was part so as not to miss every necessary good. After making this speech together I asked everyone to look at each little or big thing with their own eyes without being influenced by anyone, not even by parents if they had not had the opportunity to look at and draw their own conclusions and thoughts. It was a subject that was very close to my heart, I lived for their own justice, for the good of others and all this thanks to my mom.I wanted to clarify things in the hope that they had a potential listening from all those guys that I was sure would understand even if they would not talk to each other for fear of being judged. I wanted to make them understand that they had to open that little light that lives within us powered by God if we only had the courage to open our hearts.

By now the day of the play was getting closer, I was very excited for having one of the most important parts, I felt proud of myself.

It had been a long time since I walked down the hallway of my house back and forth trying to memorize every single sentence, putting every emotion in every single expression,sometimes crying, sometimes shouting until I feel extremely ready for that stage.Ready to convey what I felt to every single person present at the theater,to live that story as if it were ours and we were returned to the past with a time machine.The next Friday the professors asked us to wear and try every dress they had given us to see how they will had fit to us,then to try the last test before the show.

So Sina, Margherita and I went to the bathrooms near the Aula Magna where we had permission from the principal to rehearse on stage being similar to the theater where we will had been going. They waited for me outside.
I had never worn a dress in my life, nor had I been seen by someone with it in front of so many people and so many guys that they could insult me. I went into the bathroom, I closed the door, and I started taking off my shoes, then my stockings, my pants, and my shirt. I just left the tank top that I used to avoid showing my small breasts growing, I still didn't wearing the bra. I put on that white dress, long and transparent to the ankles.I fixed my hair and breathed, I breathed very much praying not to be targeted despite knowing I was with special people and with the same dream and emotions of the moment.

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