🕯️...All of me...🕯️

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Welcome guys, please the attention on me. As you know, you have entered one of the most historic schools in Milan. Do you know who Pietro is? ...

Very well, we will begin with him, historian , economic, wise man who died in the last years of the twentieth century. Today this school bears his name, and we are proud to pay tribute to him, perhaps among many students who have graduated and who will graduate, we hope will be born with all our hearts, a great star. He will proudly bear his name , and if it is possible we too in the depths of his heart....

Time Jump: Here I am, my dears, I certainly carry you in my heart , a broken, bleeding heart, without bandages and bandages. A heart as deep as an ocean of tears , tears poured into pillows, choking into pillows. A heart surrounded by cold walls like your heart. But what would this poor man think today? Have you respected his words?

"I never sought the truth in books. The mine, in which I tried to dig it, is my brain. I have examined my thoughts a lot, comparing them to each other, and have become so accustomed to this work that I could not live without this occupation. The wonderful, violent changes that have occurred in Lombardy force me to dig the mine of my skull on this subject.
Here you are, dear patriots, what I could find in my labor. I present it to you without pretension, and I hope it will help to bring light on important objects that are around us. To live in peace and security, we must be in the hands of good men, that is, of just, charitable men, and who have a good head; that is what I think.
That being so, I have made a reflection, that when a Sovereign claims to be master of a state, all the inhabitants of that state are in the hands of the ministers who are appointey by the Sovereign. Now the choice depends on the opinion of a single man (who has no time, no desire, no way to know the merit of the subjects) the choice itself must fall on people well often less able, and less good.
A good man with a good head, of course, keeps himself away from the court. There is too much humiliation, too much repulsion of the wise men in those gilded enclosures; and the upright man is not proud, but feels his dignity, and cannot bow down to tolerate the abjection."

As we were 14-year-old little creatures under your control, and under your protection, how could you did that things? Surely this great man, to this day, would be ashamed because of your actitude. You're not paying tribute to him, you're trying to ruin his name day after day, curse after curse. I hope one day he can forgive you, given the importance of his name, to a school of hell. Perhaps you should have called it Charon and his little ones continuous journeys in the darkness.

Not a minute after we sat down, a secretary came in and told us that we had to move to the next room, because the teacher had made a mistake. Once seated, the teacher began to talk about the chosen path...I sat next to a girl, with whom I began to speak on the stairs, her name is Manar, we sat in the second row. At that moment I looked around, to see all those faces I would have seen in the days that followed.
I felt a strange feeling, it was as if I did not feel belong to that group of boys, maybe it was because they were all dressed like rich people, while I looked like a poor. They all seemed so sure of themselves, because they were wearing some brand-name jerseys, some brand-name handbags, while they didn't care if there was anything really precious in them.

I was convinced that I wouldn't get along with them, and at every presentation I felt I was amazed at how lucky they were to be children of doctors, lawyers, university professors, in short, wealthy people. They never understood what poverty is, of being humble, they only talked about how many wonderful holidays they had during the summer.
I decided not to interact with anyone but a few words with Manar. I decided to keep me being as if I was in a freezer, waiting for a year when I would wake up from this bad dream.

A boy began to introduce himself, his name is Jacob, I was enchanted by his charm. Even though he was very cocky, and vain, I couldn't keep my eyes off him. His tuft was just like Manuel's , I was in the exact same situation a few years back. Maybe I fell in love only with their physical appearance, and not with their souls.... Simple teenage crushes.
A very tall guy, skinny, brown hair, always perfectly perfect. I wish I was special for him. I wish I'd known him well, speak with him... I always thought I could make a chat with him, he seemed so mature, but I had no idea how I could get close because he was always surrounded by those beautiful classmates of mine.
Compared to them, I was not at all attractive, I was sometimes frightened, but I really wanted to know what kind of guy was hiding behind that armor full of safety, perhaps given by the economic and family environment that surrounded him. He was the typical guy always ready to buy the iPhone of the latest model. I wish I'd known how he would behave if he didn't get all that attention from his parents. What kind of person would it be today? Would we have become friends? Best friends? I was attracted to him, but I was not the only one...

In fact Bea, the blonde girl sitting next to him, looked at him with eyes at heart form, they joked a lot among themselves.

One could perceive her embarrassment, from the way he spoke stuttering, he had a strange complexion, mixed between the pink and the red ... They had known each other since middle school. She was a beautiful girl, blue eyes, long blond hair, the classic Disney movie princess. A front page cover model... She missed the prince, but then over the years I found out that he didn't become him, despite all the boys urging him to get with her, and that a girl as beautiful as her would never find her...

From afar instead, sitting in the front row there was a girl in a black dress, almost as if she wanted to parade on the catwalk, a very strange girl, called Natasha, dark skin like precious dark chocolate. She kept turning towards them, even though the teacher was sitting in front of her. At that moment she said to the teacher that she had a stiff neck, and that she could not move her head and was sitting in that strange position for that... But there was more...

"Well, guys, now that you've all introduced yourselves, I'd say it's a good time to give you a tour of the school, after there will be a break of 15 minutes. Do not be shy and I repeat that this is a serious school, commitment and dedication will be the key to your success not only within the school career, but also in everyday life. Try always want to learn, that wisdom is the food of mind and soul."

I was looking forward to that day being over. In that moment I realized that I had no place to hide, no home, no school, no place to cry, I knew I had gone to study to the wrong place, but I had to make a decision. To pursue my dream as a singer and actress or to become what others wanted to impose on me. I decided to continue that path despite everything and everyone, to open my wings and to throw myself into a new experience without being afraid to fall. As soon as I finished class, I went to the bathroom, stayed the only student on my floor, started feeling very sick, maybe it was the agitation, and the fear of taking a path with people who didn't belong to me, so different and so scary that gaves me diarrhea and nauseous.

At a certain moment I heard a voice calling me ....
"Is there anyone? Are you all right?" She was the secretary of the plan. I don't know how she knew that at that moment I was there, almost in tears, powerless, full of doubts and uncertainties. I wanted to scream in pain, I didn't feel accepted for who I was, I felt so different, I felt wrong. I didn't answer, I remained silent, I wanted to be alone, I wanted to be near a river, breathing new air, because even if I was in a new environment, it was as if I was in a desolate, abandoned place.

The secretary started knocking on the door.
So after those endless seconds of silence, I answered with a simple "I'm fine". I ran out the door, wiped the tears from my face, and walked down the stairs. Once I got out of school, I turned back with a look of revenge to the past.
After pouring out all the reserves of tears I could see everything clear, I would have taken everything what would be mine, win that challenge, show everyone what I am made of, who I really am. One day everyone would wash their mouths with my name, as mouthwash I would kill all those bacteria.

My shadow would have dazzle them of light.

The heart of the oceanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon