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First day of school: My father showed me the way to reach the school the day before, but having little memory, that day I went out on the wrong side of the subway and then went on a road completely unknown to me. I started to walk the streets alone, but I had a strange feeling, the feeling of walking the wrong way. Then I saw a group of girls walking towards the opposite path and taken by the exasperation I decided to follow them and then find the right way recognizing in the distance the arch of the peace of Porta Romana of which my father had spoken so much.

I ran as fast as I could to the door where many guys were present despite it was still early. So I decided to lean on the wall of the school, where in the following years I spent many minutes waiting for the opening of the door and then enter the classroom, alone as always. After a few minutes I saw an Italian girl and her mother approaching me.We started talking, I saw the girl who was very excited being her first day of high school, pity that for me it was the third and I was feeling no emotion other than the contempt of mankind.
I decided to hold onto every emotion by pulling on my lips my most false smile in the hope of being able to console her from all the excitement she was feeling. She'd talk to me and say it was always been her dream to go to high school, that she was feeling exited to meet her future classmates, that couldn’t wait to make new friends. She made me so tender because reminded me of the lightheartedness that I had long lost, and of which I had few beautiful memories.I agreed to her every word, as a parent does with a newborn child without telling her the true secrets of life, to avoid scaring her and protecting her. Time passed, but luckily I had the chance to meet Chen, a girl who had been in Italy for a few months, the same girl I saw the day I joined the line right in front of me.

I began to speak to her asking how long she had been in Italy, with whom she lived and how she was. Between one conversation and another it was time to enter the school. The older kids who had to get in before us started coming in, and we all moved in one by one. And I recognized Elias among the multitude and he knew me, and saluted me with his hand: and I recognized Martha also: A girl with whom I spent many of my afternoons in middle school singing on the steps of the school yard, imagining that I was at one of our concerts.I gave her a smile which her then reciprocated.I suddenly felt happy,I could never have imagined to meet them,being them parts of a very small group of people from the past that really made me stay happy.

I considered those signs as if they had been sent by God and as if he was telling me not to worry about anything because I would have been fine, because there would always be on my side at every moment both good and bad. I entered to school with Chen and then sat next to her in the lecture hall. Certainly that school did not have the same beauty as the Verri, but both for things and for people it was worth the same rule: no matter the cover but the content.
So I decided to take a little courage by abandoning all my negative thoughts trying to talk as much as possible with Chen until the arrival of the principal and all the students who had to be sorted. At that moment I turned to the back of the main room to see a shadow I knew, David's, I thought that in that moment I started to think that it was the right time to visit a psychologist.

I didn’t find him in the crowd, so I started making mental films and I couldn’t concentrate on the importance of that day, I didn’t understand how a thought could haunt me for a lifetime, but luckily there was Chen who in any way tried to talk to me despite his Italian was not perfect, this helped me to distract from that bad moment. After a short time the principal of the school entered. It was said that she had just arrived at that school, that that year was her first year as a principal in that place and as soon as she began to speak the silence subsided.
She showed up for many hours, speaking of his life and little of the school, you could feel his emotion but also carelessness in not knowing how to entertain all the parents present.
I begged the gentleman to be put with Chen in the same class, because I had found a good girl and I wanted to keep her by my side like a sister. Soon after my dream came true, and once we were sorted we settled in our class with our future law professorr. Once we entered the classroom, she and I sat in the first places right in front of the professor desk, those places so hated by all the students. Behind me sat a Filipino girl who later became my best friend, and a Spanish girl who then dropped out of school the following year. The professor showed up and gave us a chance to introduce ourselves.

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