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The class was formed into groups, not social groups but mental groups.

The forgotten: that it included all those people who did not speak Italian well, marginalized a bit by all that no one wanted to try to understand their past.

The escaped: it included all those girls who had always lived like street boys, like all the girls who lived in my neighborhood but with whom I never decided to speak because I did not want to become like them because of the differences.They were girls who had already made all their experiences with their boys, they drank, smoked without any worries because even parents didn't give a damn.
They had nothing to lose because many times they jumped school days smoking pot in the small park below the school under the eyes of the boys looking out asking to see them at intermission to be able to buy the drugs that ran in all the corridors, especially in the bathrooms where there was an intense smell that intoxicated the whole floor. That school was a prison many years before but then bought by a lady, decided to restore it and then live there and make it a public school.

The last group was that of the indifferent, which included Ella Martina and myself. We distanced ourselves from everything and everyone with the only thought of finishing those fucking years as soon as possible because we were tired.Going to school was almost a burden,and at the same time a sigh of relief to stay away from all that was not good outside those four walls.Even we happened to miss a few early school hours,the difference between us and the others was the fact that we preferred to lose hours of our life eating a brioche and drinking a nice cappuccino at the MC Donald of the Duomo with a spatial view and the sunrise to our eyes. A hot cappuccino on a paper glass to drink more while spending less. The freedom that one could have in that school was a lot, in fact it was very easy to fall on the bad road, You had to be strong in order to be able to think with your brain and be responsible for your every action.

Doing business class was becoming impossible because of a messed-up kid who was trying so hard to make us miss our professor’s class. She made several verses in every minute she spoke or questioned someone, did not respect her and this sent her into exasperation blocking the lessons to quarrel with him.Both ridiculous because they could not find a meeting point. I remember that I had a little spat with that boy, arguing with him about Whatsapp for something really futile.He tried to insult me in every possible way, until one day he insulted my family by saying that my father was a negro and that therefore I had no importance in Italy.

I simply told him that he was wrong because my father is white for his misfortune, and that then once again he would have to inquire to avoid making figures of shit making himself ridiculous in the eyes of all.
Suddenly the English language was the only subject in which I had the highest grade, followed by tourist reception which was the main subject, not to mention mathematics and history that they became my favorites subjects.
Suddenly everyone that year wanted me to be class president, but I refused because I no longer wanted to deal with that ridiculous institutional position. I really wanted to stay away from every problem, from every responsibility, or rather I would have taken care only of myself, my mother, our history and finish the fucking school. So I decided to find a way to make up for lost years. I asked my father to talk to the headmistress so I could take a leap of years as my classmate Danilo was about to do thanks to the help of the vice principal who every day supervised our class.

My father would have gone to the principal, and I would have gone to the vice principal. I asked him for help to understand what I had to do, to receive the same advice he was giving to Danilo, because I, like him, wanted to recover years of my life lost in the wrong way and especially unjustly. The vice principal ignored me every time I tried to talk to him about that subject, when then during the empty hours he continued to praise himself saying that the next year he would definitely become the dean.
He talked about Danilo and the fact that he was helping him in every way and that everyone should had listen to him without thinking we were too smart because from the following year he would made every decision that would happen at that school. He continued to ignore me despite my continuous attempts. So I decided to go with my father to the principal, talking about my situation and the possible solution as it had been allowed to Danilo without too many problems.
Once we sat in front of her desk, we started talking about my beautiful conduct, my good grades and the good voices he had heard from my professors. But shee was chatting without answering our question about my future, about the possibility of silencing every word, every voice on my account, a personal revenge I needed. That choice would change my life,and suddenly I thought maybe I could get the damn diploma and then put it in my future house in Los Angeles where I was sure I’d live when I grew up. Unfortunately, that was just a dream, since that woman made our lives impossible. She said that before I could skip the next year, I would have to go out with all the positive subjects,that I had.Then he said that I would have to privately complete the 200 hours of internship that I would have to do the following year.

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