Chapter Thirty

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It was dark...
All over the place.
The only thing he could see was water. Endless of water, all the way up to my knees..
The last ting I remember was watching Misaco being forced to the ground and cuffed before everything had gone black.
Garmadon stood there quietly as he tried to understand what was going on.
He knew this wasn't the league, , how could it be?
" hello?" He calls out, hoping someone would answer, even though he didn't except anyone to.
He then started walking. Towards where? He did not know, but he had to go somewhere. It wouldn't help just standing there.
" hello?" He called out again.
Where could this place be? He had never seen anything like this...
" wake up son..." he suddenly hears a voice from behind. He turns around quickly and sees the figure in front of him.
" f...father!?" Garmadon gasped at the sight of the first spinjitsu master standing before him. Could this be real?
Was he dreaming?
'This was obviously not ninjago.
" you must wake up son... if the boy dies, ninjago will too. Great evil has risen I'm our land."
" father! How come you... being here? Why can I see you?" He slowly reached out his hand to touch it. He hadn't seen his father for years, and last time, he had been the evil Lord Garmadon.
" I'm always watching over you. Both of you..." his father gently took his hand into his, smiling down at him.
" I'm glad to see you being yourself again.» he spoke, being more proud of his son than he had been.
" I... I became a father too" Garmadon chuckled as he wiped his tears away.
" love defeated evil in my heart... "
his father kindly placed a hand on his shoulder.
« I also see a great sorrow... but you must wake up son... he is waiting..." at that, everything around him started fading.
" father!" Garmadon called out for him, not wanting to go just yet.
" say hi to Wu for me. I love you both"

His eyes burst open and gasped for hair.
The room he was in now was still very dark, but this time, there was no water surrounding him.
Garmadon slowly tries to sit up, but quickly falls back down as pain rushes through him.
" agh!" He had totally forgotten about the sword that had damaged him so badly...
he looked down at his stomach and noticed that his shirt had been replaced by lots of bandages.
" I never should have lost my mind to anger...look what it has done to you old man" Garmadon spoke to himself as he tried to study the wound. It was bad alright, but he was going to survive.
Against the pain, he managed to stand up due to help from the wall and cell bed.
" this place sure does look like the league" Garmadon mumbles as he looks around.
" Misaco...." Garmadon quietly whispers as he couldn't see her in any of the other cells. He was all alone there.
Back in the days when he had been the ruler of the league, he remembered it being much smaller, but then again, they had been moving bases and expanded a lot.

" awesome! So your element is shape shifting!" Cole being all impressed pokes Armen who now had shifted his form into sensei Wu.
" yeah.. but i guess it's more of an ability rather than element" he answered shyly.
He, along side the ninja, had been feeling down after their last mission where Green and Jey had sacrificed themselves to hold back the league only some days ago.
Wu had also reported that Garmadon hadn't been answering their communicator, and that his signal was all lost, meaning they were out of range, witch Wu didn't believe since they had to leave this realm to get lost, or that their communicator had been destroyed, witch was most likely since Armen's twin brother had the very same ability as him, and had turned into Garmadon, leading them into a trap.
And according to Armen, for them to Change into someone, they had to have touched them in person, and that he believed Damon had done, following Clouse orders. He of course had not known anything until later that day.
" try me!" Kai held out his hand so Armen could touch him.
Armen places his fingers onto his skin, and his shape from Wu suddenly changes into Kai.
" dude! That's amazing..." Kai speaks amazingly.
" yeah, but that is about it. There's nothing else I can do. I'm not like you, having different ways of using your powers." He turned back into himself.
" I didn't even know I could do this until after overlord told us.."
Zane places a had on his shoulder.
" we're not overlord, so you don't have to worry about anything. I believe there is more to your power than you think. We will of course help you train!" The nindroid smiled at him.
The droid had a point. Armen has to admit that this must be the most well made robot ever. It even had feelings! How in the world was that possible and logical!?
" thank you" Armen smiles at them, being truly great full for their kindness. Everyday that passed by, every second to be honest, he felt his anger towards the league grow inside him. How dare they take him away from a family that probably loved him, like this team had adopted Lloyd into their crew. They had become his new loving family, and now, they were letting him in on it as well. He wished Damon could have experienced it..

Nya on the other hand had not been hanging around, trying to make Armen feel welcome. She didn't hate the boy of course, neither was she upset with him, but she had locked herself in the command room, trying to work out a way to find Jey and Green.
She had studied the maps, marked every poin they had been spotted, and tried to follow Garmadon's trace before he disappeared. He probably was at the league base as well.
Now she was studying the mountain he and Misaco had climbed. At the top of it laid a library built within a temple where he had intended to visit, trying to study on different subjects as how to trace enemies or things like that. That was at last what he had told them, but Nya knew they were there for something more than that...
they had been on the trace of something, and Nya had to find out where or what it was.
" perhaps we should climb the mountain to...." she quietly mumbled to herself as she tries to look for anything suspicious on the map.
" that wouldn't be a bad idea"
Nya jumps at the sudden presence of a voice behind her.
Wu chuckled a bit at her reaction and looked down at her work.
He looked at the mountain she had recently been studying.
" I mean, it's the last trace we have, and the best way to find answers it to find them"
Nya smiled shyly. She felt happy that someone had noticed her hard working.
" yes, I will assemble the boys, but you. You will stay here and get some rest." Wu commanded, not turning it to a question. She had to stay, even if she didn't want to. All she wanted was to find Jey and bring him home from that hell. Green as well of course.
But he was right... she wouldn't get far in her state. She hadn't been sleeping at all these days, and she was exhausted.
" alright... but contact me as fast as you find anything... and ... bring the boy with you. He needs to know how it is to be a hero" she smiled. Wu nods as he goes through her work and studies. He had worked on this as well, trying to locate his brother mostly, but she was right. They had to go where Garmadon last was known spotted.

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