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André: once you introduce André to Rupaul's Drag Race, he realises that drag is one of the coolest performance arts there is. As soon as he gets his next paycheck you take him to a drag shop and he buys his first wig, not lacefront so it takes a long and difficult time to put on perfectly over his cornrows, and you both go over to SFX Makeup in the school and let them make André look like an amateur queen. He soon becomes enraptured with the series and finds drag nights to take you both to, and you both find even more happiness within the art of drag and watching each other delve into an amazing new world.

Jade: has been around drag since she was a child and has learned her flawless makeup and style skills from them. She has even formed close-knit bonds with the local queens and kings, and they all support each other in every show they're in. She introduces them all to you once you've hung out for a while and you're amazed at how talented they all are and how close they are with your friend.

Cat: Cat, innocently, doesn't understand that drag queens and kings are different genders out of drag. Nobody has the heart to tell her they're gender illusionists because Cat doesn't understand much, bless her. Whilst she asks them which hairdresser they go to in order to get such a vivid blue dye, you and the rest of the gang feel safe in knowing that you gave each queen a twenty dollar note to pretend to the redhead that they're biologically their character's gender.

Tori: you introduce Tori to drag and, like a switch, she turns into one of those girls. You know, the girls who watch Drag Race then immediately adopt the phrases and repeat them constantly in what feels like the wrong way and attempting to death drop every chance they get? Yeah, it looks like Tori is one of them now. One day you've had enough and pull her aside to ask why she was doing this. She replies that she thought everybody had to do it to get 'accepted' into the LGBT world, and it's such a dumb answer to you that you just push her out the way and walk away to lunch and throughout the lunch you sit next to André instead of her and straight up ignore her. She needs to realise on her own that drag and gay culture is more than appropriation and is about acceptance of being yourself, not anybody else.

Robbie: amazed at how they can turn into whichever gender they want whenever they choose, but he's always had an underlying pressing question of how do these men get so confident in their masculinity that they are able to dress like women and be super confident and not give two hoots about the negativity and bashing? He tells you this and so one day you bring a local queen out of drag to his house, and the queen explains to Robbie how each person can perceive masculinity differently and how he can gain confidence in his masculinity by leaning towards and accepting femininity. When the queen finishes and leaves, you ask Robbie if he understands drag more and he agrees with what the gender illusionist said, but adds that he doesn't think he'll ever reach the point where he's so comfortable in his gender role that he'll willingly try to temporarily turn into the other gender. You sigh and accept that that's as far as he can get at this moment, but as you suggest watching The Notebook and he claps his hands and happily agrees, you feel that some day he could have enough confidence in his masculinity and himself to do such a performance art.

Beck: one night he can't decide what to put on so you click on Rupaul's Drag Race and snuggle up. When it gets to the part where the men get into drag he points at the screen and casually reminisces about the time he did amateur drag to help Tori in an acting job. You stare up at him surprised. Beck has dressed up as a girl before? You ask him the same thing and he shrugs his shoulders and brushes it off matter-of-factly and turns his focus back to the telly, and for the rest of the episode you think about this fact. And, more importantly, are there photos of it?

Bonus - Sikowitz: you were part of the audience watching him in Steamboat Suzie. More than enough said.

Question: do any of you readers like drag or Rupaul's Drag Race? I myself have just come back from a monthly drag night my friends host and perform in which I attend regularly and I love drag performances! If I've got anything about drag or the LGBTQ+ community in this part wrong, just comment and I'll rectify it - I don't mean to offend anyone by accident! Til next chapter 😘

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