Chapter 8

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Louis POV

The movie was over, Harry was sleeping. "What to do, what to do?" I asked myself. I tried to get up, but he moved, I say there, and just let him sleep. It was about 5:00, so I nudged Harry.

"Harry." I said and put my hand through his hair. His hair is so long. But I'm not complaining. His hair, it's just so soft. "Louis" Harry said and smiled fluttering his eyes open. He hugged me. I hugged back. "Wanna get something to eat?" Harry asked. "I, um, have to go. Sorry Harry." I said before jumping up. "Thanks for having me." I said looking at Harry, he was shocked, I could tell. I just couldn't. I need Eleanor. I like Eleanor, no, I LOVE Eleanor. Harry just doesn't understand that. I like him as a friend, we get on really well, but I just don't feel the same way about him as I feel for Eleanor, she's my girlfriend, and Harry,  he's a student teacher, and that's all he will ever be.

I walked to my car, and drove home. I felt so bad, I just couldn't. I don't know who I am anymore. All I know is Eleanor is mine, and I'm going to propose to her. I decided to call El.

Me- El! How are you love?
El- Great, I was sad when you said you were going to your friends.
Me- Yeah, I have to go back to school tomorrow.
El- *sigh* Come home! We can have a night together.
Me- Almost home! See you later love.

I hung up and shook my head. It doesn't feel right, I don't feel good, and I just want to be done with life. I just don't feel like myself. My stomach has butterfly's, and nothing is right, I don't get the same feeling when I'm with Eleanor that I used too.

I opened my door, Eleanor was making dinner. "What's for dinner?" I asked sighing. "Chicken." She said. "Call me down when it's ready." I said running up stairs. I looked at my phone. I went on Vine, and app I usually never use, but I used it this time for one reason, to watch vaping tricks, it really just amuses me. I locked my phone, and got on my laptop. I went onto a site I never had visited. It was a site to get an e-cig.

I got a normal e-cig, with some e-juices in flavors of grape, and watermelon. I really didn't care how much it costs. I got them with no nicotine. I just really wanted to see if I could do that. 1-2 days. I couldn't wait for the fact that maybe it would make me feel better, I used to smoke, then I stopped, so maybe this will make me feel better.

"Lou!" I heard Eleanor scream, before going to the kitchen, I put on a pair of sweatpants, and a hoodie. I went down stairs. "What were you doing?" Eleanor asked me curiously. "Nothing, I just don't feel like myself." I snapped before eating my food and proceeding to go upstairs.

I didn't sleep in the same bed with Eleanor, I slept on the couch.

I woke up at about 4:00am. I went upstairs and put a pair of black jeans on, with a black shirt, and black vans, the only reason I did this was because it was one of the only days it was dress down. I grabbed a pop-tart.

I didn't say goodbye to Eleanor I just left, it may seem rude, but I just had to leave. There was no traffic, and I just wanted to get to school, maybe I'd feel better.

I got inside and looked around. I sat in my desk, and fell asleep, before I noticed, Harry walked in. He looked stunning. I mean, ya know,I don't even care anymore, I think I have feelings for Harry. Putting it out there. I, Louis William Tomlinson, have feelings for Harry Edward Styles.  I just can't let him, or anyone else know. "Hi Louis." Harry said. I nodded.

The first student walked in. Her name was Alexandra. Alex for short. "Hi Mr.Tomlinson, and hey Harry." Alex said laughing. "Its Mr.Styles" to you Harry said laughing. "Harry, how old are you?" Alex asked. "20." Harry said with a cheeky smile, "And you Mr.Tomlinson?" Alex asked me "22." I said, she gasped "You guys would be hella cute partners, not gonna lie." Alex said. Harry blushed. "I'm straight Alexandra." I said. Alex rolled her eyes. Harry sat in front of her, they were talking. I couldn't here them. I honestly didn't care either.

It was lunch, "Harry, hows Tara?I haven't heard about her in a while." I said. "Good." Harry replied checkily. "Alex and her are good friends, that's why she calls me Harry." Harry said eating. "Ohh." I said smiling back. All the sudden, Harrys eyes locked with mine. "I love you." I mumbled. "Shit." I said. "What?" Harry asked. "Is it the fact that you said you loved me?" Harry asked smirking. I was silent.

Harry kissed me. I was speechless


Guys I made something, it's a ggu, a gorgeous gay unicorn, aka Harry and Louis
And if you want to, read this while listening to "A Drop In The Ocean" by Ron Pope

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