Chapter Two

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Peter followed the trio into a room, looking around at all the expensive furniture in awe and confusion.

Did he do something? Abecause why was he even here? Did they find out about his identity as Spider-Man?

Peter was growing more and more nervous as his anxiety took over his brain, every little thought making him more and more panicked.

"Tony, we found the kid." Natasha said as they entered the room, Tony turning around slowly.

The two looked at eachother until a smile broke out on Peter's face before he could stop his fangirling.

"H-Hi, the names Parker! Wait- Pet..." Peter paused to clear out his throat, "Peter Parker."

The four laughed at him, making his face turn red.

"Tony." Tony replied while reaching out his hand, a smirk on his face.

Peter smiled nervously and shook his hand, Tony's eyes widening a little at the kid's grip.

"So.. w-why exactly am I here?" Peter asked yet again, putting his hands behind his back

Steve, Clint, and Natasha took this as a que to leave them be, all three of them saying 'nice to meet you' to the teen before they left the two alone.

Tony sighed nervously and turned back around in his chair to grab some papers.

Tony handed them to Peter and started explaining what they were for.

"Around a month ago we had a social worker come in telling me about you." Tony said while itching his arm.

"She said that they did DNA tests for weeks and finally found out who your father was."

Peter was slightly confused until he neared the end of the last paper, his eyes widening in realization.

"Wait- you're my Dad?" Peter asked, his eyes wide as he looked at Tony.

"Yes.. are you mad?" Tony asked nervously, watching Peter's blank face.

Peter raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Why would I be mad, this is awesome!" Peter exclaimed.

Tony sighed in relief, all of his worrys were replaced with excitement to meet his son.

"Before we get into all of this, are you ready to meet the Avengers kid?" Tony asked, the answer obvious as Peter's smile grew widely.



When the two came out of the elevator they were met with chaos- well- it was worse for Peter you could say.

Peter wanted to clamp his ears shut but he stayed still as he watched the Avengers bickered loudly.

The noise echoed around Peter's head as his eye twitched, waiting for Tony to tell them to shut up.

"Hey!" Tony yelled to get their attention, "Shut up!"

Great minds think alike.

Everyone went back to being silent, but their eyes stayed on Peter, making the kid uncomfortable.

Tony wrapped an arm around Peter and pulled him into his side, "I'd like you guys to offically meet my son, Peter!"

The room was silent for at least two seconds before hell broke loose.

"Oh my god!"

"He's adorable! How is he your son?!"

"Holy shit!"

"He's short like you!"

Peter smiled at the responses, rolling his eyes at the 'short' comment.

When Tony squeezed his side happily, that certain pain in his chest made him remember.

Oh fuck..

How could he forget, how could he forget his biggest secret, one bigger than his Spider-Man identity.

Peter is transgender, he came out to May when he was almost fourteen, but she died before he could start anything.

Peter's heart ached at the thought of May, the smile on his face faltered as he remembered what happened.

...what do you think Peter? Movies or Board Games?" Tony asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"You guys have Monopoly?"


AN: Sorry for another short chapter. :/

Word Count: 620

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