Chapter Seven

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"You ready to go back Pete?" Tony asked, they were patrolling together in the city.

"Nah, I'm going to stay out for a bit longer, I'll see you back at the tower." Peter said as he stood up beside Tony.

Tony nodded and watched Peter run off the building, swinging himself in some direction as Tony lifted into the air, going the opposite direction to his tower.

Peter swung around for a few blocks until he landed unsteadily infront of his old building, making him gulp as memories flashed through his mind.


Peter swung as fast as he could towards his apartment building, his arms aching as the smell of smoke filled his nostrils.

"Please be okay May." Peter begged as he landed by two fire fighters.

"Thank God you're here Spider-Man." The firefighter yelled over the sound of flames and their hoses, "there's one more person in apartment number 187."


Peter swung into the burnt building, the boards creaking since they couldn't hold his weight well.

The smell of smoke still lingered in the building as he looked at old furniture that were now basically ash.

Peter opened the door that led to their hallway, walking down it slowly to avoid wrecking the place.

His breath hitched as tears flooded his eyes once they landed on the chunk of wood.


Peter sent himself flying into the apartment building, holding his breath to prevent smoke from going into his lungs.

He ran down the hall and his eyes landed on a hand sticking out of a chunk of wood, making him gasp.

"May!" Peter yelled as he ran down next to where her hand laid.

He lifted up the wood and nearly puked.

The chunk of wood he had just lifted off her had melted her skin, places on her body had bone visible, but the one untouched place was her eyes.

They looked empty, but at the same time filled with disappointment, disappointed that her nephew didn't make in it time to save her.

Peter sobbed loudly and turned away, the image burning itself inside of his mind.


Peter lifted up the chunk of wood, her body was gone of course, they took her out after the fire.

Peter wiped his eyes to prevent tears from falling as they landed on two pictures that May was trying to protect from the flames.

He picked them up and smiled sadly, the first one was his Mom, May, Ben, and Peter smiling together.

The second was him and May on christmas, sipping hot chocolate together with big grins.

Peter's smile fell as he heard the floor creak loudly since it was unstable, making him stand up and shove the photos in his sleeve.

Before he swung out the window he turned towards where she once laid.

"Bye May.."


Peter looked down at the traffic, his ears ringing at every honk.

Turns out going to visit the last place he saw May was a horrible idea.

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