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"If he wants to play dirty, then we'll just have to get dirty." ___Kaitlyn.


"Ma'am, can I use the toilet please?" I asked the police woman guarding my cell.

" Don't think you're getting food today.. get ready. Your punishment will be in 20 minutes. "

" Yes ma'am. "

" Follow me. " She opened the cell gate and I troded behind her slowly.

   * * * * *


I opened my eyes to see Cassie stranded on my left arm as my phone couldn't stop buzzing.


I quickly wore my boxers before scrolling on the answer button on the screen.


"Sir, she's escaped!"


"Kaitlyn Grey has escaped from prison sir.. "

What the hell?
I smashed the phone across the wall and it shattered into pieces.

How did she escape?
She was supposed to suffer for all her sins there..
How was that even possible?

Could this girl be a criminal?

"Wesley what happened? Your phone... It shattered. " Cassie who was already awake scrunched her brows and asked, holding the duvet closer to her chest.

"It's nothing. You have to leave now Cassie.."

"But Wesley.. I'm so exhausted and so sore.. aren't you going to even ask me if I would eat something first? "

" I said leave!"

She didn't move.

I ran my hand through my hair and dipped my hand in my pants pocket.

"Here's your payment." I threw a bundle of money on the bed.

She eyed the money before lifting her gaze to meet mine.

"I'm not accepting any money from you. I might be your slut but it's only because I love you.. whether you accept me or not, I won't take any money from you. I want you to know that I'm not after your money, it's you I want." She got off the bed and changed into her clothes.

" Call me when you need me." She said and walked out of the room, swinging her hips as she walked.

But that didn't affect me in anyway because all I'm thinking about is how Kaitlyn Grey could have possibly escaped. Only a high-class criminal could escape from jail and they wouldn't be able to, even if they tried.
So how could Kaitlyn Grey have escaped?

"Hello, Rodrigo meet me in my office now!"

"Sir which one?"

"I'm on my way to my enterprise in Los Angeles. The one in Bellagio. Be there in ten."

" Yes sir. "


     * * * * *


" Where is Wesley Cooper you moron?!"

After escaping from the jail through the back window, I had disguised myself by changing into a man's clothes, I saw on a rope. Swishing a small cap on my head, I troded to a very famous club that were only meant for celebrities. On getting there, the place wasn't so crowdy and noisy like it normally does during the night, so I cajoled over to a bar attendant and attacked her with a knife, forcing her to speak up about Wesley Cooper's whereabouts.

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