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"......this necklace is just like my heart. I hate to say this but I'm entrusting the other part to you. Don't ever you think of losing it. Make its safety your number one priority,....... And don't ever break it."


"Woah! Where are we?" Kaitlyn asked, nearly bumping into me as she gazed the huge and tall skyscraper building in front of us.

"Cooper's shopping mall. Can't you read?" I pointed to the huge bill board on the highest floor of the building.

"Christ! You own a shopping mall?"

" Don't ask. Just come on." I said pulling her by her shoulders and dragging her inside.

I couldn't count how many times Kaitlyn said 'Wow' when we got inside the shopping mall. Of course the shopping mall wasn't meant people like her, Just the ones that can spend lavishly.

The department we started with was the jewelry and accessories department. Actually I just came for one department and that was the accessories department.

"Nah I'm leaving. I hate jewelries." Kaitlyn made a U-turn but I stopped her by pulling her back.

Holding her with one hand, I pulled her along to the receptionist of the department.

"Morning sir." She greeted me with a huge smile. "Should we shop for you sir? I definitely wouldn't mind." She was flirting, it was obvious but what me made smile was the look on Kaitlyn's face. She could murder the poor girl right now.

"Morning sir!" The sales attendant greeted me Immediately.

"Morning Chris, can I get a Rolex watch?" I said to the sales attendant and he hurried off to get it.

" You brought me here just for a wrist watch?" Kaitlyn said removing her hand from my hold.

"Be quiet for once Kaitlyn."

"I've always been quiet." She muttered.

The sales attendant handed me a Rolex watch. I took Kaitlyn's hand and unwrapped the watch before tying the watch to her wrist.

"You got this just for me?!" Her big green eyes got even bigger. " It must cost a fortune!"

Everyone were watching me closely because never have they ever seen me with a woman here before. Despite the crowd of people, they still paid their respects to me.

I smirked then pulled Kaitlyn along into an elevator as it dropped us in another department. The telecommunications department.

"Those people adore you Wesley."

I flashed Kaitlyn a smile. I've been smiling lately." I know. It's just something I've been used to right from birth."

" No wonder." She scowled. I ignored her then walked over to the office of the manager of the Telecoms.

"Can I get an iPhone Xmax?" I said to the manager in charge of handling the sales of our telecommunications.

"Sure s.. sir. Welcome sir. It's been long sir. We're so excited to see you sir. "

I growled." The phone.. "

" Yes sir. " He said and hurried off.

The man came back with the phone within twenty seconds. I had removed Kaitlyn's SIM from her old phone and within two minutes, I had tucked the Sim card in the iPhone Xmax the handed the phone to Kaitlyn.

"No way. No way I'm accepting this. It's too much Wesley. Do you know the product of this phone?" She asked, eyes and ears widened.

I flashed her an amused grin." Take it Kait. Your Mom might have tried reaching you. I don't want her to think that I've kept you hostage with no means of communication. Now take it." I commanded. She had no other choice than to accept the phone from me.

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