t h e. p r a n k.

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"So for today's prank we're doing a hidden camera on Lin!"
Baekyun announced receiving an applaud form most people in the room, including all the members and a few of their staff.

They altogether decided that they'd stage a fight between Kai and Taeyong, with the argument being over how Kai keeps on bumping into him, with Taeyong presenting dissatisfaction with it and Kai asking him what the problem is. They would hide cameras all over the room and film their 'rehearsal'.

Mark filmed before the prank capturing everyone's preparation for the prank, getting more footage for the episode.
"What are you two doing today?"
Mark asked Kai and Taeyong as he sandwiched himself between them facing the camera towards all of them.

"Today, we are going to be the ones fighting in the prank."
Taeyong said, only to suddenly get his collar grabbed by Kai.
"I was gonna say that!"
Kai dramatically shouted before they pretended to fight ending up with most of the room laughing.

Mark then noticed Ten and Lucas looking in the mirror and fixing their hair while talking and decided to disturb them with his aura.
"what're you doing?"
Mark asked both of them making Lucas jump back and Ten cover the camera.
"Are you kidding me?"
(Bold is in Mandarin)
"No... I was fixing my hair..."
Ten said embarrassed as he let go of the camera, hearing Mark, Baekyun and Taemin laughing in the background.

"Guys, Lin just texted me, he's gonna be here in 10 minutes!"
Taemin said causing everyone to get into position.

"Hey guys."
Lin said as he walked into the room, taking off his coat and walking over to the others who were already stretching and preparing for rehearsal. He had a bag full of snacks in his hand and decided to hand a snack to each member.
"Look at what our youngest has brought us."
Taemin said smiling as he ruffled the boy's hair earning a small giggle from the smaller.
As he was walking around giving everyone a snack he accidentally bumped into Lucas.
" who do you think you are?"
(Normal is in Cantonese)
Lucas dramatically replied laughing at the situation before Lin replied "sorry" with an almost mischievous smile.

"Ok guys get ready."
Mark said as everyone got into positions for Jopping.
They all performed well with Kai sometimes 'accidentally' bumping into Taeyong, making the youngster irritated. Lin saw this and decided to try and get Taeyong's attention whenever they were near each other, and mouthed "are you ok?" To him before getting a hesitant nod each time.

Once they'd stopped for a break Taeyong acted angry with Kai and avoided him, while Lin walked over to Kai asking if he was ok receiving an "I'm fine" form the older. Lin then walked over to Baekyun voicing his concern,
"I don't think Kai and Taeyong are in good terms right now..."
He said quietly to Baekyun, the mic still picking the whispering boy's voice up.
"I think they'll be fine, we'll just have to watch for now..."
He whispered back, reassuring him as he patted the boy on the back.

"What is it?"
Lin turned back to see Kai and Taeyong glaring each other down, with a blood lust in both of their eyes.
Taeyong said looking away to drink his water.
Lin noticed how the rest of his members were trying to act as if the boy's weren't fighting, as if they were too scared to intervene making Lin uneasy.

"What are you looking at then...?"
Kai said, escalating the situation and stepping forwards for Ten to soon step in and out a hand on the taller's chest and say 'stop, we can sort this out later.'
"Who else would I be looking at?"
Taeyong said standing up, forcing Mark to rush over and sit him back down slowly.
The atmosphere was tense and uncomfortable. Baekyun also walked over to Taeyong as Taemin walked over to Kai, leaving Lin and Lucas in the middle.

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