Protect the City!!

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With Group 1 (Rainbow, Indigo, Pinkie, Lemon, Rarity, Sunny, Kitty, Miles, Jennifer, and Gwen). 

They rushed to the docks where the police were busy truing to fight off Rhino. 

Police Captain: Stop right there Rhino! Just give yourself up! 

Rhino: Make me coppers!! 

At that moment, he shot with Rarity's diamonds. 

Rainbow: Have no fear officers! The cavalry is here!! 

Pinkie: (imitates a trumpet noise) HERE WE ARE TO SAVE THE DAY!! 

Rhino: YOU PUNKS!!! 

Rarity: Leave it to us officers, you should leave now before things get worse for you! 

Police Captain: Okay, alright boys Spiderman's allies are here! Let's leave this to them! 

The officers scram at that moment. 

Kitty: So what do we have here? A man in a rhino suit, not very original if you ask me. 

Rhino: And what's that supposed to mean?! 

Lemon: It means that your kind off generic and stupid dude. 


Rhino charges towards our heroes, but he doesn't expect a web, created by Miles and Gwen to trip him, he lands flat on his face. 


He gets up and charges again, Pinkie pulls out a red cape, and dodges his charge. 

Pinkie: TORO! TORO! OLE! 

Rhino: I'm a Rhino. NOT A BULL! 

Pinkie: TORO! TORO! TORO! 

Rhino growls and charges once again. 

Kitty grabs onto him, and pulls him into the ground with her powers. 

Kitty: Going somewhere fatass? 

Spider-Gwen: Why don't you just give up Rhino. 

Rhino: Because the boss promised me, a quiet life, once I rock you out! 

Indigo: You mean Martin right? 

Rhino: Who the guy in the white suit! HA, you must be joking! He's not a boss. 

Rainbow: Huh? Well who is it? 

Rhino: I'm not saying! I'll just crush you! Rhino breaks free, and Miles gets an idea. 

Miles: Hey Rhino, look out poachers! 


Rhino tries to pound Miles in anger, but he web shoots his face. 

Miles: That's web in your eye pal! Now then, I think it's time for you to take a nice dirt nap. 

Miles webs up a pipe and pulls it down on the giant, making him dizzy. 

Jennifer: My turn, nice job little buddy. Okay Rhino! TAKE THIS! SHE-HULK SMASH!! 

Jennifer punches Rhino, right into debris, knocking him out cold. 

Sunny: Well that takes care of that fiend. 

At that moment, Miles's and Gwen's spider senses begin to tingle. And they soon web the rest of the group out of the way, as a splat of acid is shot at them. The attacker is none other than Scorpion. 

Spectacular Spiderman (Spiderman Marvel Universe male reader x mlp eg harem)Where stories live. Discover now