Here Comes Krampus!

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this is a platonic oneshot! a crackhead christmas special!

It was colder in Hell. Colder than it usually was. Y/N laid asleep in their room, their (H/L) (H/C) hair slightly in their face as they snored lightly.

Angel Dust and Alastor opened their room door quietly, peeking in and seeing Y/N fast asleep.

The boys crept inside, making sure not to make a single noise. Charlie and Vaggie soon peeked in. Alastor looks back at the two girls as they put a thumbs up.

Alastor snaps his fingers and his microphone appears in his hand. Tapping the top quietly, he tests the microphone and grins hearing feedback.

He clears his throat and Angel Dust looks at him, a smirk on his face. Alastor steps back and puts the microphone in front of him.

Angel gently sits on the edge of the bed and positions himself in a pouncing position.

Y/N's moved slightly and they all tensed up. Charlie and Vaggie creep into the room as well, something behind their backs.

"GOOD MORNING, Y/N!" Alastor practically yells into the microphone. Y/N jolts up and their eyes widen, Angel didn't hesitate to pounce on them and wrapping all four arms around their body.


"Why, waking you up, darling!" Alastor responds, making Y/N furrow their brows as they try to wiggle out of Angel Dust's grip.

They failed.

Y/N gave up and groaned, stuffing their face in Angel Dust's fluffy chest. Angel pets their head with one hand and chuckles.

"Sorry babe we know you aren't a morning person, but it's Christmas!"

Y/N looked up at the porn star in confusion.

"But... Isn't Christmas a more... Heavenly thing?"

"Of course it is!" Charlie replied and continued.

"Except, we don't celebrate Him, we celebrate Krampus!"

Y/N nodded in understanding and looked at Vaggie. Vaggie waved and they try to wave back but fail.

Charlie and Vaggie approach Angel Dust and Y/N with a mischievous smile, slowly pulling their hands away from their back to reveal ribbons and a bow.

"U-uh... What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing!" Charlie's smile got wider as they look at Angel. Angel starts to loosen his grip and grab Y/N's arms.

Charlie starts to wrap them in the ribbon, making sure it was wrapped tightly, but not too tight. Y/N groaned in agony as they let Charlie tie them up in defeat. Vaggie tops it all off with the bow.

Alastor grins, proud of how this plan is going.

"Let's go then! Boys?" Alastor snaps his fingers again and a few shadowy figures come to pick up Y/N and take them downstairs.

They all follow the shadows and Y/N down the stairs, happily chatting around eachother.

Husk looks at the lot coming down and his eyes widen.

"What the fuck did you guys do to Y/N?"

"We're merely wrapping presents, my feline friend!" Alastor responds, grabbing some lights and wrapping it around Y/N.


"And this is Hell!" Angel Dust chirps, kissing their cheek and moving on.

Y/N rolls their eyes and tries to wiggle out the constraints, failing.

Alastor grabs them from the shadows and sets them down onto the couch, dusting his hands off after.

He puts his hands on his hips and hums, summoning his staff from thin air and grabbing it.

"I think our job is done here!"

Charlie giggled and watched Y/N groan and grumble.

"I want my freedom back."

"Since when did we ever have freedom?" Vaggie asked jokingly.

"Uhhh... Since we got to Hell?"

"...Fair point. But even in Hell we live under rules, but they're much less strict."

Y/N nodded in agreement, smiling warmly.

"THEY FINALLY SMILED!" Angel Dust bursts happily. Niffty suddenly busts through the door, covered in glitter.


Y/N starts to laugh and everyone joins in. Husk walks over, a small smile on his face as he unties Y/N.

Y/N sighs in relief and shakes the ribbons off, looking at Husk and giving him a hug. He awkwardly hugs back.

The rest of the time, they all decorated the hotel in lights, party streamers, and even decorated a tree. They were exchanging presents and having dinner. Charlie and Vaggie even kisses under the mistletoe.

The group went out for a night on the town. None of them removed the smile from their faces as they continued to bond happily.

Alastor looks over to you, the reader, his grin growing wider.

"Al! Is it time?" Charlie asks.

"Why, yes it is dear!"

Charlie walks over next to him and looks at you as well and waves.

"Thank you for reading the book!" Charlie announces.

"Yes. Even if we started this book only this month, the author's been VERY proud of their work, all because of you, darling!" Alastor adds.

"The amount of appreciation this sugar babe's got for you Harley Quinn babies out there is infinite." Angel Dust smiles and winks at you.

"Yeah.. I guess it really did make the author feel appreciated or.. Whatever." Husk mumbles.

"I hope you REALLY liked reading this! Let's hope the decade will be better!" Niffty chirps and hugs Y/N.

Everyone all went in for a group hug.

"We hope you have a Happy Christmas!" They all told you.

"Watch for Krampus!" Charlie smiles.

"And stay tuned..." Alastor adds, his grin growing.

with that note, i wish you all a very happy holidays, whether you celebrate christmas or something else! i truly appreciate you guys and i hope you like what i've made so far! plans for this book can vary, and i hope you guys stick with me till the end. let's hope for a great decade!

i love you all so much, merry christmas, and have a happy new year!

and as alastor says...
stay tuned. ;)
word count: 999

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