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Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a very long 8 months but I went through a lot in those months from family, school and even depression. I needed to use that time to find myself again and as much as I missed writing I needed to make sure that I put my well being first.

I started on here when I was at the lowest point in my life and I just needed to escape and writing gave me that. I never thought that this story would get this far, so many times I wanted to just give up and stop but you guys kept me going by telling me how much you loved the book and asking me to update. Even the small things like voting and commenting let me know what you guys were engaged and gave me the push that I needed to keep going and for that, I wanna say THANK YOU ❤!

For this year I wanna start writing again and getting this story back on track not only for me but for you guys as well.

I've been working hard this past couple of days and I have a couple of drafts written up but before I publish I'd like to hear from you guys about what you like, don't like, want to see more of or just any ideas that you guys may have.. I'm all ears to everything you guys have to say and I'll make sure to give you credit if your idea is used!!!

If we can get at least 10 comments I will publish a chapter

Many of you probably had no care at all for what I wrote but I just thought I owed you guys an explanation for my disappearance. 

Thank you guys so much for being understanding and remaining loyal readers and thank you for your help!

- Larissa 💜


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