Chapter 1: The gathering of Yordles

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Third Person POV

As a familiar yordle got ready for bed screams filled the silent night, for that very yordle was cursed to have a nightmare every time he slept. There was no removing this curse as he tossed and turned in his sleep, forever haunted by what the Iron revenant had done to him. His nights full of screams and his nightmares filled with memories of what made him like he was, of what cursed his mind to think the way he did.

A loud bang was heard as the yordle fell on the floor in the morning, he would always wake up in as a ball of sweat forcing him to take a shower in the morning no matter what. The yordle went to his small kitchen to make himself some food only to realise he had run out, he cursed under his breath before turning around to put on his signature blue hat and robe and his big metal gauntlets while he set out to the city to gather supplies for his home.

The yordle hated the loud sound of society and even more so despised the people that were there, after what the institute of war had done everything was now at peace which had ruined all of his plans. Every living being no matter what race lived together, except him. He hated the thought of being with people and wanted minimal contact with any sort of interaction as he strolled down the street he pulled his hat down more to cover his eyes.

Everyone knew who he was for what he had done but now everyone just looked at him with a weird look, one that made him feel like he didn't belong. He was Veigar the master of evil and yet his great evil plan had been stopped, without his evil plan everyone started forgetting who he was and started remembering him as the outsider. He grumbled at the looks everyone gave him before finally making it to a supermarket.

When in he groaned even more, because he saw many of the inhabitants of the yordle dormitory. The institute of war had made dormitories for each of the champions that participated in their little game, to give the champions a show of gratitude for helping them. Most had decided to stay in their home residence but all of the yordles decided to stay at the yordle dormitory, well almost all. Veigar was never one to interact with anybody, the only yordle he had ever interacted with was Poppy and that was because she had helped him in a time of need.

Veigar quickly walked pass the busy talking yordles and into the main part of the store, finding food, drinks and any other necessities he needed. He tried his best to stay out of sight of the other yordles but half way into his findings he felt a hand poke his back, he turned around and glared at the smiling yordle with lavender skin and purple hair.

"Pleased to meet you, it's been a while Veigar" The she yordle spoke with a happy voice, Veigar's glare faltered a bit before intensifying again and turning away

"Leave me alone Lulu"

"But the yordles and I were going to go have some lunch after this, do you want to join?"

"I have no interest to join your little get together, not ever" Veigar grabbed what he needed and turned to walk to the cashier only to be met with the glaring face of Kennen.

"Don't talk to her that way, idiot" Kennen walked past him and grabbed Lulu's hand before dragging her away despite her protests. Veigar just shrugged before continuing his way, he passed the cashier without paying since he was a champion and being a champion had its small perks as he continued home.

The walk to his home was not an easy one, he lived in an enchanted tree in a forest which was pretty far away from the main city, sure there were a few smaller towns along the way but they never had anything Veigar needed. Normally Veigar would have used his teleport spell to save time, however he had forgotten to bring his staff therefore forcing him to walk all the way home.

When he got home he noticed a familiar silhouette leaning on his tree, he cursed as he remembered Poppy had promised to deliver him an elixir. He quickly made his way to the front of the house while Poppy just looked at him with an amused look.

"You can't ever remember our meeting times can you?" Veigar just gave her a half hearted glare before entering his house with Poppy trailing behind him.

"I had to get food, lest u want me to starve to death?" Poppy just let out of laugh before pulling out a bottle of blue liquid and placing it on the table.

"Here's your elixir, now I'll be going, all the yordles are having a get together for lunch"

"Yeah I heard, Lulu asked me to join." Poppy gave out another laugh before walking forward, she took Veigars hand and led him to the door.

Veigar looked at her curiously before his mind connected the dots, he started struggling out of the hammer welders hold.

"No, NO, I am NOT going." Poppy just giggled and stopped dragging him

"Yes you are, this is pay back for making me wait so long" Poppy winked at him before she continued walking. Veigar smacked his face before turning around to go home, Poppy was about to turn back and drag him all the way there before Veigar spoke.

"I have a faster way to get there, I need to get my staff." Poppy just rolled her eyes before leaning on a nearby tree

"Fine, but if you don't get out here in 10 minutes I'm going to go in there and knock down all of your spells and potions." A look of annoyance crossed Veigars face before he walked into his house to retrieve his staff.

Poppy was just about to go into the house when Veigar exited with his long metal staff with a glowing yellow crystal surging with power. He raised his staff to the sky as a purple beam descended on the two before transporting them into the city. Poppy smiled at Veigar before pulling him by his hand once again towards the cafe the other yodels were.

When they had arrived many of the yordles didn't even notice the two were their, Veigar wanted to keep it that way but Poppy had other plans

"Hey gang, sorry I'm late I had to deliver something to lonesome over here." Veigar cursed under his breath before sitting down, he was not in a good mood.

Lulu looked at the yordle sadly before turning to Kennen with a smile as he continued to talk about his training in the Kinkou, when Kennen had finally finished Poppy had sat down next to Lulu and listened in.

"Can I go to the Kinkou for a while, I'd like to see what its like" Poppy said while grabbing a cupcake to eat. Kennen just laughed and nodded before going to order more food

The two yordles sat in silence for a while before Lulu turned towards Poppy

"Why won't Veigar listen to what I say? I asked him to join but he didn't want to" Poppy looked confused before gasping

"Oh, no don't worry. Veigar owed me a favour and I said he could repay it by attending this months yordle get together. He doesn't listen to anyone, but he hates owing people favours so thats why he's here." Lulu let out a sigh of relief before turning to Poppy with a smile

"Thank goodness, I thought he hated me." Poppy just laughed and turned back to her cupcake.

"Fight, for the first lands"Irelia

Okay, so I haven't posted in a while, I've just been reading through all the stories I have written on my computer and realised some of them, like the original version of this one were not good. While I don't have any regrets in writing them, I feel like I can do much better which is what this is. This story will be quite different from the main one, but some big events will remain relatively similar. So if you read the old one, welcome back and I hope you enjoy the more updated and modern version or if you're new and enjoy this one, I hope you take the time to read my older one. I'll probably be posting once every week or so, so see you guys in a week. :D

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