Chapter 15: A fight to the death

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The first thing the yordles set out to do was find the magical cat, although it was hard they managed to find it in no time, thanks to Lulu's help. The magical cat was simply curled up into a ball sleeping on the table, the hard part came when they had to wake up the cat. The group had tried everything, shaking her gently, yelling at the cat but none of that worked. The group even wanted to get Kennen to give the cat a little shock, but he refused as it would harm the cat.

After a while of trying Poppy left the house, the group stared at the spot and many gave out a sigh of defeat, they would have to wait for Poppy to return as well as Yuumi the cat to wake up. Poppy returned after half an hour and she came back holding her buckler out with something clearly in it, this garnered the attention of the group as they turned to look at her.

Poppy however, ignored the looks and went straight towards the magical cat, not wanting to wait anymore, she simply turned her buckler upside down which revealed what she had been carrying. Cold water splashed onto the cat which immediately woke it up, the cat let out a yelp then a hiss at who decided to wake her up. When she looked up at the group of yordles however, her aggressive actions stopped instead replaced by a look of curiosity.

The cat had somehow dried herself off before Teemo and Lulu started to explain the situation, the cat had a few remarks that turned Lulu red but other than that she was very understanding. Yuumi had understood what they wanted to use her for and flew away to the book. The yordles had gathered around the book as it flipped its own pages as if finding the proper portal, after about ten minutes the book stopped and Yuumi gave the group a nod.

Travelling through the book was new for the yordles, but after a small talk from Lulu they entered the portal and travelled towards their location. When the group exited the portal they were shocked to find that they were not in Noxus, no where near. Around them the ground was broken, it seemed as even death itself was around them, trying to claw at them to bring them over to the other side. Many of the yordles gasped at what they saw, as if staring at death itself.

One thing however, caught the attention of Teemo who immediately pointed out the cracked bastion that stood in front of them. The gates were closed with no way in, but one thing was off, there was a small tower off to the right of the fortress, isolated from everything else. Full of curiosity the group stalked their way towards the tower. A sense of dread came over them as if they were too late, screams echoed through the entrance of the tower, as the group made their way into the tower, some sort of green energy was flowing around like mist.

Around half way in, the screaming stopped, this worried the group as they picked up the pace and made their way down the hall. The ceiling of the hallway was propped up by pillars, the top of the pillars had some sort of spiky ball like structure. This only increased the sense of creepiness as well as dread when the group finally reached the main hall. A giant man wearing armour towered over the broken form of a familiar yordle, the groups eyes widened at what they saw in front of them.

Veigar kneeled broken at the iron revenants feet, blood was all around the two and it was obvious that Veigar put up a fight. Lulu couldn't help but scream out and started to run towards Veigar, but was stopped by Poppy. The scream caught the iron revenants attention, he turned and let out a booming laugh.

"Looks like your friends have come to save you little one, I never thought you would trust people after what I did." He said as if he was proud of what he had done to the yordle in front of him. "Now, show them you don't need them and bring them to me. All beings will bend their knees to me." The iron revenant once again let out a booming laughter as he walked to the side.

Lulu was about to shout at Veigar to tell him to run, that they could escape and find another way to stop the iron revenant but was silenced by a purple blast, the blast narrowly missing her only because Poppy was able to react fast enough. The wall that was struck by the blast instead crumbled revealing a green mist that seeping into the tower. Everyone turned to face Veigar in surprise, only to see another blast of energy being charged, this time the size grew and grew and grew. Teemo pulled out his blowdart in an attempt to shoot but was too late when the blast of energy was thrown towards them, the blast smashing through the wall behind them knocking them all out of the tower.

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