Chapter 16: A void to fill

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For as long as Veigar could remember, his past haunted him every night, his scars were a constant reminder as well as a curse to put him in pain at night and every time he slept. But when he dozed away next to Lulu, he felt no pain. For the first time in a long while he felt peaceful in his sleep, he felt nothing but bliss. The empty surrounding around Veigar was like his mind, empty.

He had a faraway look while looking around the empty space around him, nothing but a white blank slate. Veigar was still weak from the fight with the Iron Revenant so he used his staff to limp around the blank space, that is until a forest soon took over it. The forest made his eyes widen as a familiar holiday cottage appeared in sight, flowers decorated around the wall. The sight itself was enough to bring the mage to tears as he scanned the old home longingly.

His eyes landed on a figure in front of him, the figure was a female yordle that had lavender skin and hazel hair, a familiar sad smile spread on her face. Veigar's eyes widened, unaware of the tears that flowed down his face. The two continued to stare at each other until the other figure spoke.

"It has been a while dear." She said in a calm and relaxing tone.

Veigar could do nothing but stare at her in shock as his eyes continued to widen. The figure opened her mouth to speak once more but was stopped by the mage slamming into her with a hug, tears staining the purple dress that she wore. Soon even she started crying as she returned the hug that they shared, the two remained in a silent hug for a while before finally pulling apart.

"How?" Veigar asked hoarsely, his throat was dry from the constant sobbing the two did.

"I am not really here Veigar, I wish I was so I could come and see my baby boy and how much he's grown. But alas, I am not truly here." His mother explained softly

"So you really are..." he drifted off, the only indication of his mother knowing what he meant was the nod of her head.

"I am no longer part of this world, I don't think there is a way for me to come back."

"What happened?" Veigar's mother let out a sigh as she fondly stroked her cubs fur.

"I had to leave, the fae were getting attacked by unknown creatures, some fae's even turned on their kind. But it was as if they were being controlled, by a force even greater than ours. I went to help the fae and protect them, we succeeded..." She drifted off causing Veigar to look at her strangely.

"What next?" He asked dreading what was to come.

"We succeeded thanks to your father, he left a while after in order to help me. He may not have been the best father but he did care, he didn't want you to be left unattended so he brought you to an orphanage." His mother continued. "We won, but at the cost of your father. In our final attempt to stop what was invading the glade, he came into contact with whatever it was that invaded. He lost his mind and killed me, he...he no longer remembered anything."

Veigar stared wide eyed at his mother as tears threatened to fall once again, he let out a string of curses at the world for what it did to him and his family. All he ever wanted was to live in a peaceful world, but the world had other plans.

"Where is he." Veigar mumbled out


"Where is father." He repeated louder

"Veigar...I do not know, but please stay away from him. He is not in control of himself, he would never hurt me or you. You have to understa-" His mothers panicked speech was halted

"I know, but I must free him of what happened." Veigar said bitterly, through his travels of the world and his endless tomes of black magics, he learnt of a place or rather a creature, who wanted to invade the world and turn it into an endless void of mindless drones. Veigar of course never believed in the so called void and only skimmed through the lines of taking control of beings and their minds, he had never believed them until now.

"Veigar, he is strong, you will need help from your friends." His mother said softly but Veigar couldn't, he knew what the void was capable of, he had read upon them.

"No, this is a family matter, I refuse to work with those insuffera-"

"You don't really think that do you?" Veigar was silent when his mother spoke. "Your father was just like you, he couldn't stand the fact that his family would get hurt in what he did. But he didn't know how to express his worry, so he would constantly push them away. But deep down, he did care for them." Veigar remained speechless until his mother placed a hand on his cheek. "You enjoy your friends company, you want to protect them but sometimes you need protecting too."

"I can't, I won't risk their lives in this family matter. This is something I have to do alone." Veigar stubbornly said as his facade broke away.

"Oh Veigar, how much you have grown. From a boy with a broken mind and heart, to a lovely caring man, even if you don't show it often." His mother pulled Veigar into a hug once more planting a kiss on his forehead tenderly. "I truly have no idea where your father is." His mother replied once they separated. "But I am sure pix or other fae's would know, ask them when you wake up."

Veigar felt tears sting his eyes once more as he wrapped his arms around her for what felt like the last time before the scene drifted away from him, leaving a blank canvas of a space.

Yep, late again. I should really stop saying when I will post chapters when I know my school work will get in the way, but anyway sorry once again for the late chapter, school works been pretty much multiplied and I am not having fun while doing it. Hope you guys enjoy the changes, I did this mainly cause it didn't make sense how his father went crazy for basically no reason at all then suddenly changes when I needed him to so, now theres a reason for him becoming broken and mentally scared. 

Hopefully I can get past my school work and post the chapter earlier next week, fingers crossed Monday or Tuesday but once again, I don't know.

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