Chapter 21: Peace at last

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A couple of months had passed since the yordles went on their little portal hopping adventure, many of the group were tired and had immediately gone to bed. However, Lulu and Veigar had stayed until night fell, staying a couple of hours to watch the stars quietly before the two separated into their rooms.

The months passed by peacefully, not much trouble came across the yordles especially the sorceress and the mage, even with the looming threat of the void, they enjoyed their time together whenever they could. Kennen was bitter for the first couple of months but got over it eventually,

Teemo and Tristana had separated during those months, the two had a few fights during the months and Tristana ultimately decided it would've been best if they just stayed best friends. Which Teemo begrudgingly accepted. Though that didn't really stop his advances much, in fact it even brought back Rumbles advances.

Tristana tried to ignore the advances of the other two male yordles and started hanging around Poppy, Lulu and Veigar more. More so Poppy than the rest. Lulu would sometimes drag Veigar to join the two, much to Veigar's annoyance, he had learnt to tolerate Lulu's company but was yet to accept the rest of the yordles.

Yuumi had also stayed with Lulu and Veigar most of the time due to the somewhat close connection to her old master. The magical cat never stayed for more than a week however, due to the fact that she was still on the search for her own yordle. Lulu had a pretty good sense to when Yuumi was going to come back, and would always happily inform her male companion every time.

"Yuumi will be dropping by again." Lulu said cheerily as the mage just stared blankly at her.

"Great, at least all she does is sleep and read her book while she's here." Veigar replied before continuing reading the magic tome he had in his hand.

"Do you think she found her yordle?"

"No." Veigar shook his head. "I don't think she will be able to find her yordle in a long time." Lulu sent a pointed glare towards Veigar, but cheered up after awhile.

"Stop joking around Veigar, I'm sure she can find her soon." Veigar was about to retort with the fact that he once again wasn't joking but remembered how the first time went and kept his mouth shut.

The two stayed in silence at Veigars house until a portal opened up on the windowsill, Lulu smiled at the cat that stepped out. Yuumi let out a tired meow before turning towards the fae sorceress smiling and turned towards the mage as she leapt into the air and floated onto his shoulder.

"I found an old library, it had a lot of books I think you would enjoy."

"Thank you for telling me. I don't think I will be using it much at the moment, I still have a lot of tomes I haven't read on." The mage explained after looking up from his book to give the cat a small smile before returning to his book.

"Any word or clue about where your yordle would be?" Lulu asked the cat curiously, this caused the cats ears to droop down as she shook her head.

"No, but I'm getting close, I can feel it." Lulu gave her cat friend a smile before turning towards Veigar.

"Poppy and Tristana said they were going to head over to a new cafe that they found later, you wanna join in?" Lulu turned to Veigar, the mage just let out a sigh.

"Are you asking me or telling me to go?"

"Both!" Lulu exclaimed much to Veigar's amusement.

"Of course." Veigar let out a chuckle before putting down his book and went to prepare for yet another journey out with the three yordle friends.

Lulu turned towards Yuumi to ask if she wanted to join but she ultimately stayed and wanted to sleep while the couple went out with Poppy and Tristana. The three had a lot of fun while Veigar only tagged along because of Lulu.

While out Teemo and Rumble once again had their own attempt at trying to sway Tristana. For some reason Poppy grew aggravated because of this and went to her defence.

"Guys, cut it out. She clearly doesn't want your attention." Poppy berated the two male yordles as they shrunk under her glare. Before Poppy could yell at the two anymore Tristana let out a sigh and put her hand onto her shoulder.

"It's okay, let's just go somewhere else." Tristana said sadly before turning to leave, Poppy just looked at her worriedly before sending another glare towards the two males before turning to Lulu and Veigar.

Quite a short chapter, but honestly I didn't really realise how poorly I set this chapter up and there wasn't much to work with. So apologies for this short ending, but this marks the end of this journey, there will be some special chapters in the future but this story is complete now.

The Broken and The Fae (Remastered)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें