Chapter 18: Tunnel Trouble

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Veigar stepped out of the portal and his eyes opened widely, he seemed to be in a dark tunnel, purple liquid oozed out of the walls as if the tunnel itself was bleeding. He stared in shock at his surroundings, before his eyes landed on a small four legged creature. The creature was purple, it had teeth and protruded out of its mouth.

At first Veigar stared at the creature in wonder, the creature just stared at the yordle as if trying to search what Veigar was. The mage was about to walk away before the creature lunged at him, barring its teeth, Veigar didn't hesitate to send a baleful strike towards the creature, the creature seemed to turn to dust before a purple essence flowed into the mage.

"Such a small creature, holding so much power." Veigar pondered worriedly as the magic filled him, further increasing his.

Stalling any further would end in Veigars demise if any more of that creature had come, not knowing which way to go, the mage could only go a random direction and hope it was the correct way. The hall started to growl, as if sensing Veigar was there, as if sent by the growl familiar animals started popping out through the many smaller tunnels around him. Many looked like insects, birds and one even looked like a fae, but they all had one think in common, they all had the purple glow to them and moved around as if they were not sane.

Veigar started to become overwhelmed with the ever increasing amount of what he decided to call them, abominations. Something or someone was clearly in control of these beings, it physically mutated the creatures and it almost looked like half of them was in pain with the form they took now. The mage ran through the hallways hoping to escape the endless onslaught of monsters that were behind him, a shriek echoed through the hall as a familiar creature entered from a newly dug tunnel.

He could only stare at the familiar creature that stood in front of him, a creature with large claws and a purple body, Rek'sai was Veigar's first thought, but noticed that the creature was way too small to be the Rek'sai, it was smaller which meant it was a Xer'sai. Veigar let out a curse, he had heard what the Xer'sai had done around Shurima and had no plans to experience it for himself. Quickly he cast an event horizon around him, stopping the Xer'sai's leap alongside half to the creatures.

Dashing into a smaller hallway hoping some of the bigger creatures would not follow him, he could only try to whittle down their numbers with a few dark matters and baleful strikes. But to him it seemed like the more he took care of, the more came and were aware that he was a threat. Veigar ran until he exited the tunnel into a small opening, the first opening he found, the mage at first was excited when he had seen a light, but his heart dropped when he realised where it was and when he noticed it only led into another tunnel. One that was too tall for him to reach.

Letting loose another string of curses he turned around to see the massive mob of creatures behind him, most of the creatures were small, only a few larger creatures had followed him. He braced himself for the fight ahead of him, many of the creatures had already started advancing towards him. Veigar was about to let out a flurry of baleful strikes but was stopped when missiles started raining down, a figure with a grey and purple suit dropped down in front of him, they wore a helmet and it looked like the suit itself was alive.

Veigar couldn't help but stare in wonder at the person in front of him, he was shaken out of his trance when they yanked his arm and leapt into the air, landing on the ledge that Veigar could not reach. When the two were safely deep into the tunnel the figure sent out a blast that exited their suit into the ceiling above, causing it to crumble down blocking the path that they had come from.

The figure turned to look at the yordle before the helmet they wore seemingly melted into their skin, revealing a beautiful girl with strange markings on her cheeks and forehead, dark purple hair flowed down past her shoulders.

"Stay with me if you want to survive." She said in a commanding tone, Veigar just stared at her for a while before shaking his head.

"What are you and where am I." Veigar demanded for an answer, the girl only let out a sigh, as if she had expected this.

"I am Kai'sa, you are in the void" She explained

"What were those creatures."

"Voidlings, poor animals that the void has already taken over."

"How are you down here." He asked softly

"I was here for a while, I have been hunting the void, trying to stop what its doing. Do not be alarmed but my skin is-" She was cut off

"Alive, it seems you have found away to use the void against itself." Kai'sa just stared at him shocked.

"And you aren't scared? You won't try to run away despite knowing I am part of the void?" Veigar let out a scoff at her concerns.

"I am not scared of the void, I came here to-" This time he was the one that was cut off

"You came to the void willingly? Why?"

"I must find my father, and free him of his pain." Veigar explained as he turned to leave into the unblocked side of the tunnel.

"I had a father, how I miss him." Kai'sa mumbled before turning to face Veigar "I can help you."

"My family matters are mine alone to deal with." He stated firmly but Kai'sa didn't let up.

"You will need help, I can navigate the void easily. I know what the void is capable of." She answered sternly. Veigar glared at her for a while before his shoulders slumped.

"Fine, but if you die don't say I didn't warn you." She let out a sigh causing Veigar to raise an eyebrow at her.

"Many people run away from me, I haven't saved someone in, I think a few years. It's hard to tell the time in the void" Kai'sa explained, Veigar just stared at her a little longer before rolling his eyes and turning to leave.

"I must free my father of what this place has done to him." The mage stated once more before turning to her once again. "Do you know where a yordle would be in these places?" Kai'sa looked thoughtful for a while before she nodded and turned to lead the way.

Sorry for the delay, assessments are a pain in the ass. So I may not be able to post a chapter next week, will be busy with assessments. I will try but I don't know.

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