Chapter 12: Deaths Grasp

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It was the dead of night when Veigar exited his house, everything was silent just the way he enjoyed it. Silently the mage made his way into the forrest, to others the forrest would look creepy at night, but Veigar was used to the shadows that lingered.

Veigar had walked for a while before finally reaching an opening. Large craters were littered all around the floor, many trees in the area had fallen down or were severely damaged. The sight brought a smile onto Veigars face, the placed showed what was capable of, the destruction around was caused by every spell Veigar had learnt and practiced to near perfection.

Even though Veigar had used a lot of mana for transporting his house the large distance, he still needed to practice his spells. There was a high chance that Veigar could make himself pass out, but he didn't really care, he had passed out many times when he had first started practicing the spells he had learnt.

Reaching out his staff he started summing spell after spell slowly depleting himself of the mana he had used. He started feeling light headed as he summoned another primordial burst, as the mage released the final blast his knees fell beneath him. Without any strength left he collapsed and passed out.

Veigar opened his eyes slowly before they shot open, the area around him withered. He was no where near where he was before, the area around him was broken and dead. Ghouls started circling around the mage, he started panicking after fully realising where he was. Veigar frantically looked around, there was no way he could've died from mana usage.

The mage looked around for awhile before a laugh boomed around him, Veigar tensed up instantly as an armoured figure walked out from behind a wall. An aura of death emanated from the figure, on his shoulder was a large mace. Veigar's eyes widened at the person in front of him, the lord of the dead looked amused.

"Ah, Veigar. What delightful suffering I have inflicted on you." The iron revenant boomed as the walls started to crumble around them. "Will you not bow to your former master?" The iron revenant continued while Veigar slowly backed away before finally reaching a barrier.

Veigar turned around and looked at what he had thought looked like ghouls repel him and trap him in the small area, Veigar finally turned around and sent a faltering glare at the lord of the dead.

"There is no escape little one, not while I am here." The iron revenant spoke as he slammed his mace into the floor, pinning it into the ground. "Now, what do you do to your lord" he boomed once more as Veigar tried to hide his fear.

"What do you want" Veigar snapped having enough of what the iron revenant was doing. The mage reached for his staff only to realise that he didn't have it, his eyes widened further as he looked at the towering figure before him again.

"I think you know what I am here for, I am rising once again. This time I will not fall. You are to help me enter the mortal world." The iron revenant commanded towards Veigar but the yordle's glare hardened.

"You think, that I would help you?" Veigar let out as the iron revenant glowered at the mage. "I am not your slave anymore, I will do what I want. Not help you and your stupid thirst for control."

Now the iron revenant gave of an even more deadly aura as he picked his mace up from out of the floor, a bit of the ground started to crack apart. The lord of the dead made his way towards the now scared yordle, he looked down on the tiny creature before raising his mace above his head.

"Such a shame, I would have made you immortal. Mortal life is such a bitter shame." As the iron revenant lowered his mace to crush the yordle beneath it Veigar slammed his eyes shut, he could take the pain, he knew he could but it didn't mean he would enjoy it.

But the pain never came, instead a golden sort of glow appeared on the floor and surrounded Veigar's being. The mage looked up at the mace that hung above his head, an unknown force stopping the mace from squashing him.

"Not here, not now." A voice spoke as two creatures came out into the opening. A familiar white figure with a black mask and black creature with a shadow like body and white mask, the remnants of death itself, Kindred.

The iron revenant took a step backwards, and although the helmet he wore covered his face it was clear that he was annoyed at being stopped.

"Stay out of my way" He commanded Kindred but the two spirits didn't move. Instead wolf started to growl at the lord of the dead.

"It is not time for him to die yet" Lamb began

"We decide when that is" Wolf finished as the iron revenant let out a chuckle before it turned into his booming laughter once more.

"Death has no hold on me, I am not bound to death. My will was and always will be bound to iron." He sent a glare towards death before turned around to leave. "Have it your way, but I will return to the world of the living. When I do, every creature will know suffering."

"Those who run from death, stood still in life, Mordekaiser" The revenant tensed at the mention of his name but once again started to walk away again. When the iron revenant was out of site the air around softened a little, the barrier that had been trapping Veigar was now gone. Before Veigar could question anything, Lamb turned to face him, Wolf on the other hand had started chasing off a few of the lingering ghouls.

"Fear not, you are not dead. This place was created by him to hold and find recruits for an army he has been building." Veigar tensed a bit at the implication of the revenant rising once more.

"I do not expect him to rise soon, but be prepared." Lamb warned before she leapt onto a crumbled structure.

Before Lamb leapt off of the structure Veigar once again felt himself feel light headed, this time he caught himself before collapsing on the floor. The area around Veigar flashed away and was replaced by a familiar crater littered area, the rising sun shone in his face. The mage stood up, letting out a sigh when he realised he still had his staff.

Veigar looked towards the sun as his mind raced through what he had just witnessed, the iron revenant, Mordekaiser was once again rising. Memories that Veigar had thought he had buried started resurfacing before he shook his head, reliving through what he had done to him was the last thing Veigar wanted to do. Silently once again, he made his way back towards the dorms and his house, the only sounds that were heard was the sound of his footsteps.

"Violence solves everything" Katarina

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