Chapter 17: Into the void

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When Veigar awoke it was dark, still he found the peacefully sleeping yordles and a familiar cat resting on a book despite the late time, he let out a sigh as he got up carefully, making sure he didn't wake up while moving her head onto the sofa. The mage ventured around the house trying to find the one being he needed, the house was dusty, clearly uncleaned in a while.

The house looked somewhat familiar but he couldn't seem to remember how he knew it, he soon found himself in a guest room, once again it looked familiar but he couldn't think of where he had seen it before. However, a familiar fae was flying in front of a window with his arms crossed, seemingly deep in thought but was able to detect that Veigar had arrived.

"You know, don't you?" The pix asked while turning towards him, Veigar just let out a nod. "She loved both of you, your father loved her and you very much as well. I know he wasn't the best father but, he did love you." Veigar let out a smile at his comforting words before his expression turned serious.

"Where is he, my mother told me you knew where he was." The look of shock spread through the fae's face.

"Your mother?" Veigar nodded in confirmation

"I saw her in my dreams. She said you knew where he was." Veigar explained, the pix smiled at the mention of his former companion, it was soon replaced by a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry, but I stopped following him after a while. I don't know where he is anymore." Veigar scowled at the new given information and started to turn to leave but the fae called out to him again. "There may be someone who does know where he is though." The mage quickly turned around and stared at Pix.

"Who?" Veigar snapped wanting to know how to find his father. "Who knows where he is?"

"You might want to ask the cat, you recognise her don't you?"

"She looks familiar, but I don't remember her." Veigar replied looking at the ground suddenly.

"No, I suppose you wouldn't. It has been a while after all." The pix sent the yordle a smile. "Her owner was your mothers best friend, she would always visit and you would sometimes come over and sleep in this exact room. I of course was there alongside all of you. The cat, Yuumi will be able to use her book to help you find your father."

Veigar nodded in thanks to the explanation the pix gave, the yordle somehow felt at peace when he heard that the house belonged to his mothers best friend. He was about to turn to leave and consult Yuumi but one question suddenly came to him.

"Where is my mothers best friend?" This caused the fae to let out a sigh.

"When your father came back, he tried to corrupt bandle city. Your mothers best friend stopped him before he could, sending him far away using the exact book that Yuumi keeps so close to her. However, your father was able to do something, not even I know what he did that took her with him." Pix explained again. "Veigar, with how corrupted your father was, she most likely is..."

"I know, but there is a slight chance she is still out there and I owe it to my mother to save her best friend." With that Veigar turned once again and walked through the doorway.

"If it makes you feel any better, you said you met your mother in your dreams. If that really is the case then her essence may be able to create a physical form." Veigar listened without turning back, but he felt his mood instantly rise. "However, she will be bound to the glade. If she ever leaves she will die, there is also a possible chance that it never happens."

Veigar sent a side glance towards the fae before nodding, before finally leaving the room towards the living room he had slept in. When he arrived in the living room everyone was still asleep, he smiled sadly at the group he had come to grow fond of. Teemo and Tristana were resting against a wall with their heads leaned on each other, Rumble was sleeping behind the sofa that Lulu was resting on, Kennen lay on the floor passed out.

The mage's eyes wondered over to the sleeping cat and walked over, the book seemingly understanding what the yordle wanted started to flutter, waking up the cat. Yuumi let out a hiss at the book before he eyes landed on Veigar, her head tilted to the side curiously.

"I have been told, you can tell me where my father is." The mage explained, the cat however, stared at him cluelessly.

"You know, it would help if I actually knew who your father was." The cat explained before letting out a yawn. Veigar just stared at the cat in front of him, his mind finally seemed to catch up as it raced with how he was going to convince the cat it was him.

He let out a sigh and lowered his hat, he opened his mouth to explain who he was but was stopped by the flop of a fish. Yuumi, who had somehow obtained a fish dropped in on the floor, staring wide eyed at the yordle.

"You!" The cat shouted in surprise before covering her mouth, looking around to see if anyone had woken up. "You were my masters friend!" She whispered to him, Veigar nodded thankful that he didn't need to convince the cat who he was.

"Yes, my mother was your masters best friend. My father is missing, I need to find him and correct what he has done." Veigar explained

"Okay book, show us where he is." Yuumi said cheerily as she hopped off the book and the pages flipped. "When do we leave?" She asked excitedly.

"No, I am going alone. I need to go alone." The cat's ears drooped when she heard this

"Why? Don't you need help? Come on it could be fun." The mage sent a soft glare towards the cat

"This isn't a game, I need to go alone. I cannot, will not endanger anyone."

"Like father like son." Yuumi chirped, she stopped when she saw Veigar's incredulous look.

"What?" Veigar looked at the cat for an explanation.

"Your father was just like you, I think. He would never let your mother into danger." Veigar could only look numbly at the book next to the cat, Yuumi didn't seem to mind because she let out a yawn before turning to the book herself.

The book had been flipping it's pages throughout the whole conversation and was seemingly never going to stop, after a bit more the book slowed down and turned to a page that had a map. A purple liquid like substance seemed to stain the map, it looked like a portal, something that shouldn't have been there.

Veigar looked at Yuumi then at the book, the book did a nodding action answering the silent question. The mage's gaze hardened before nodding in thanks towards the cat and the book before placing his finger onto the book as a test, his body started to disappear into the book but he stopped.

"Tell them" Veigar turned to the cat "Tell them I had to leave to settle a family matter, do not allow them to follow me." The mage finished in a threatening tone before finally finally disappearing into the book.

Wow, actually posting it on time? UNHEARD OF! Well guess what, I did it. I pushed through all my work and did it! Hope you guys enjoy and I'll try post again soon, no more than two weeks I promise.

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